Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 2025
Hayek-Myrdal Interactions in the Early 1930s: New Facts Change an Old Story, Lars Jonung and David Laidler
Submissions from 2024
Locally Greedy Characterizations of Interim Allocations, Charles Z. Zheng
Submissions from 2023
2023-1 The Macroeconomic Consequences of Subsistence Self-Employment, Juan Herreno and Sergio Ocampo
2023-2 Dynamic and Stochastic Rational Behavior, Nail Kashaev, Charles Gauthier, and Victor H. Aguiar
2023-3 Dynamic Programming for Pure-Strategy Subgame Perfection in an Arbitrary Game, Peter Streufert
2023-4 Macro’s Missing Link: The Unbridged Gap between Monetarism and the Wicksell Connection, David Laidler
2023-5 History of Economic Thought's Place in Macroeconomics Revisited, DAVID LAIDLER
Submissions from 2022
2022-10 Computing Longitudinal Moments for Heterogeneous Agent Models, Sergio Ocampo and Baxter Robinson
2022-11 Peter Howitt – a Keynesian Still in Recovery, David Laidler
2022-12 The Big Expansion of Rural Secondary Schooling during the Cultural Revolution and The Returns to Education in Rural China, Mengbing Zhu and Terry Sicular
2022-13 Savings After Retirement, Eric French, John Bailey Jones, and Rory McGee
2022-14 Use It or Lose It: Efficiency and Redistributional Effects of Wealth Taxation, Fatih Guvenen, Gueorgui Kambourov, Burhan Kuruscu, Sergio Ocampo, and Daphne Chen
2022-2 Robust Contracts in Common Agency, Keler Marku, Sergio Ocampo, and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
2022-3 A Random Attention and Utility Model, Nail Kashaev and Victor H. Aguiar
2022-4 Identification and Estimation of Multinomial Choice Models with Latent Special Covariates, Nail Kashaev
2022-6 Prices, Profits, Proxies, and Production, Victor H. Aguiar, Nail Kashaev, and Roy Allen
2022-7 Market Power, Taxation and Product Variety in the Brazilian Automobile Industry, Daniel Chaves
2022-8 Slutsky Matrix Symmetry: A New Behavioral Condition, Victor H. Aguiar and Roberto Serrano
2022-9 A Rationalization of the Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference, Victor H. Aguiar, Per Hjertstrand, and Roberto Serrano
Submissions from 2021
2021-1 Personal Gini Coefficients, James B. Davies
2021-2 A Category for Extensive-Form Games, Peter A. Streufert
2021-3 Specifying A Game-Theoretic Extensive Form as an Abstract 5-Ary Relation, Peter A. Streufert
2021-4 Old Age Savings and House Price Shocks, Rory McGee