Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1977
The Timing of Transactions in General Equilibrium, Peter Howitt
Urban Job Creation and Unemployment in LDCS: Todaro vs. Harris and Todaro, Åke G. Blomqvist
Submissions from 1976
A Continuous-Time Model of a Stock Market Value Maximizing Firm, David T. Scheffman
Added- and Discouraged-Worker Effects in Canada, 1953-1974, Peter J. Kuch and Shmuel Sharir
A "Monetarist" Analysis of the Generation and Transmission of World Inflation; 1958-1971, Michael Parkin
Concerning Currency Unions, David Laidler
Double k-Class Estimators of Coefficients in Linear Regression, Aman Ullah and Shobha Ullah
Expectations and Incomes Claims in a Two-Sector Model of Inflation, J. D. Pitchford
Expectations and the Behavior of Prices and Output under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates, David Laidler
Foregone Future Earnings and the Present Labor Supply of White, Black, Indian, Latin, and Asian Women, Geoffrey Carliner
Industrial Structure of Micro-Economies and the Distribution of Earnings, Lars Osberg
Inflation in Britain - A Monetarist Perspective, David Laidler
Market Power, Discretionary Authority, and Employment Discrimination, Walter Haessel and John Palmer
On Achieving Consistent Social Choices, David J. Mayston
On the Estimation of Regression Coefficients and Residual Variance in Linear Regression Model Using Stein's Estimator, Aman Ullah and Shobha Ullah
On the Sampling Distribution of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator of the Coefficients of Explanatory Values, Aman Ullah and Shobha Ullah
Optimal Foreign Exchange Market Intervention, Russell S. Boyer
Professional Work-Leisure Decisions under Alternative Renumeration Methods: Changing the Shape of Edgeworth Boxes, Robert S. Woodward
Public Education, Income Distribution, and Voting, Arthur J. Robson
Social Savings Due to Western River Steamboats, Erik F. Haites and James Mak
Some Remarks on the Role of Money in One Sector Neoclassical Growth Model, Taradas Bandyopadhyay
The Finite Sample Properties of OLS and IV Estimators in Regression Models with a Lagged Dependent Variable, R. A. L. Carter and Aman Ullah
The Gains from Foreign Investment Revisited, J. D. Pitchford
The Role of Speculation in Competitive Price-Dynamics, Peter Howitt
Two Rules of Aggregation of Work Efforts and Leisure Times, Shmuel Sharir and Yoram Weiss