Anthropology Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Anthropology, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Kabeshinàn: Situating the BiFw-6 Site in Broader Regional and Cultural Landscapes, Samantha Albanese
"It’s not a science isolated in a bubble": Grave Encounters in Forensic Anthropology in Colombia and Peru, Franziska Albrecht
The Politics of Syrian Photographic Representation: Intersections of Civilian Photography and Power Amidst Revolution, Rawand Amsdr
Marion’s Story: Women’s Hockey in Indian Residential Schools, Kalley Armstrong
Bamboo for People and Primates: An Ethnography of 'Convivial Connections' between Conservation, Development and Identity on the Ecuadorian Coast., Tamara L. Britton MA
Experience on the Ropes: Embodiment, Narrative, and Boxing, Patrick Galler
Chinese Development Projects in Jamaica: An Ethnography of Imperial Formations from the ‘Yaardi’ Perspective, Ashley Henry
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of infant feeding practices and stress in 18th-19th century Pointe-aux-Trembles, Québec, Sydney Holland
Running out of Care: Documenting and Contextualizing Ontario's Nursing Shortage, Kate M. Mahoney
Bioarchaeological Knowledge Mobilization and the Museum as Knowledge Broker, Teegan Muggridge
Exploring Early Life Nutrition: Amino Acid Stable Isotopes as Biochemical Markers, Hana Salahuddin
Birds of the ancient Nile: Species identification in Egyptian animal mummies using multi-resolution computed tomography and deep learning image segmentation, Maris A. Schneider
Hands-On History: Applying a Strong Like Two People Approach to Archaeology Education, Kaylee Woldum
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Teachers’ Work: Communicating on Difficult Knowledge in Ontario Schools, Zsofia Agoston Villalba
Variation in Habitual Activity and Body Composition: A Segmental Body Comparison of Runners and Swimmers, Madelyn Hertz
The Babe, the Virgin, and the Crone: Female Pubertal Development in Medieval and Post-Medieval Arnhem, The Netherlands, Victoria Lavallee
Head shapes and toothaches: A study of cranial modification and dental pathology at MUNA, a late pre-Hispanic cemetery from the Archaeological Sanctuary of Pachacamac (Lima, Perú)., T Naomi Nakahodo Moromizato
From Micro to Macro: Examining Potential Microbiome Mediated Influences on Human Growth and Health Outcomes Through Breastfeeding and Antibiotic Exposures, Nicole K. Phillips
Surveying the Industry: A Professional Profile of Cultural Resource Management in Canada, Sydney Rowinski
Investigating neutral and climate-linked morphological variation in human femora: A geometric morphometrics approach, Isabelle Rutherford
Stable Isotope Analysis of Breastfeeding and Weaning Practices in 19th Century Montreal, Jess Sadlowski
Exploring the Woodland Period Within the Lake Wawanosh Region Through Two Archaeological Sites: AgHn-12 and AgHn-14, Matthew Severn
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
The impact of energetic trade-offs on the developmental trajectory and life history strategy of Homo sapiens: The modern human female phenotype, Laura Ann Hope Atkinson
Legs and Hills, Aidan Attema
Discourses of Tension in a Rainbow Nation: Transcultural Identity Formations among Hakka Mauritians, Federica Guccini
Autoethnography of a Pregnant Doula: An Anthropological Investigation of Birth Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario and Quebec, Fattimah A. Hamam
Inuvialuit Living Art: Co-Creating Local Community Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research, Jason YF Lau
Assumed identities and the construction of self among the West Indian diaspora in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Badarinarayan A. Maharaj
An Investigation into the Curation of Archaeological Collections in Cultural Resource Management in Ontario, Canada, Vienna Raven Mann
Localized Activism in the Bangladeshi Garments Industry: Mobilizing the Labour Movement from the Ground Up, Raisa Masud
Transforming the Dead: The Taphonomy and Ritual Economy of Funerary Bundles on the Pre-Hispanic Central Coast of Peru (1000-1532 CE), Joanna Motley
Colombian women’s experiences of the Canadian refugee and asylum adjudication process, Camila N. Parra Carrillo
Of Mice and Mummies: Experimental Mummification and Radiological Examination of Neoplastic Disease and Cancer in Mummified Remains from Ancient Egypt and Peru, Jennifer L. Willoughby
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Social Stratification & Mummification in Ancient Egypt: The Inevitability of Variability in the Post-New Kingdom Mummification Program, Andrew Arsenault
Evaluating Cranial Nonmetric Traits in Mummies from Pachacamac, Peru: The Utility of Semi-Automated Image Segmentation in Paleoradiology, Cameron J. Beason
Ancient Egyptian Subadult Mummies: Unwrapping Childhood in the Ancient Past, Jillian A. Graves
Visualizing Anishinaabe Ceramics: A Collaborative Approach to Digital Archaeology, Hillary V. Kiazyk
Quebec’s Uninhabitable Community: Identity and Community among Anglo-Quebecer Out-Migrants, Evan A. Mardell
From Stateless People to Citizens: The Reformulation of Territory and Identity in India-Bangladesh Border Enclaves, Md Rashedul Alam
Ridge Pine 3: A Late Archaic site in the southern Lake Huron Basin, Jessica Russell
Life in Between: Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Carabamba Valley, Northern Peru, Amedeo Sghinolfi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Cellar Dwellers: Historic Feature Sampling Strategies in Ontario Commercial Archaeology, Corbin Berger
Taking Ethics Seriously: Navigating the Ethics Approval Process at a Canadian University, Marie-Pier Cantin
Ethnoprimatology and Nature-Based Tourism: An Exploration of Macaque Ecology and Behaviour at the Sepilok Orang-utan Rehabilitation Center in Sabah, Malaysia, Lauren J. Gilhooly
Seeing the Invisible: An Integrated Remote Sensing Approach to Mapping Buried Architecture at Las Colmenas, Virú Valley, Peru, Kayla C. Golay Lausanne
Do Actions Speak Louder than Words? Communicative Frequencies and Multimodality in Ring-Tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta), Hilary Hager
Indigenous Coaches and the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, Dallas Gerald Hauck
Blackness, Gender and the State: Afro Women's Organizations in Contemporary Ecuador, Beatriz A. Juarez-Rodriguez
Fanning the Flames of Disaster: The Role Colonialism Plays in the Impact of Wildfire on Indigenous People in Northern Alberta, Alana K. Kehoe
Growing Relations: An ethnographic study on rice, vanilla, and yams in Madagascar, Tyler MacIntosh
Epigenetics a Decolonizing Science, Wade Paul
Inside Perspectives on Ceramic Manufacturing: Visualizing Ancient Potting Practices through Micro-CT Scanning, Amy St. John
Newcomer Integration Programs and London, Ontario’s Diversity Agenda: Views from within and without, Jutta Zeller-Beier
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
'I Honoured Him Until the End': Storytelling of Indigenous Female Caregivers and Care Providers Focused on Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias (ADOD), Danielle E. Alcock
Life as "Half and Half": A Grandfather and Granddaughter's Sharing of Story, Kalley Armstrong
Exploring the occupational history of the Middle Ontario Iroquoian Dorchester Village site, Johnathan Freeman
Digital Technology and Communications in Today's Cuba, Diana Gavric
Digital Representation of Inuvialuit Traditional Knowledge: A case study in community engagement using Google Earth, Jeffrey Grieve
Getting Better All The Time: Re-evaluating Macroscopic Dental Age Estimation Standards In Egypt, Casey Kirkpatrick
Communities Based on “Sweaty Infestations of Joy”: A look at the Temporary Moral Communities Formed through International Volunteering Trips., Sarah A. Knowles
South Bend and Ridge Pine 2: Fraternal Twins, Gabryell Kurtzrock Belyea
Childhood Stress at Rinconada Alta (AD 1470-1532): An Examination of Linear Hypoplastic Enamel Defects on the Central Coast of Peru, Jessica Lacerte
International Englishes, Dialects and Glocalized Englishes: Translanguaging in South Korea, Cameron Bruce Lawrence
Cultivating Knowledge: Agrarian Science and Ecological Engagements in Southern Ontario Agriculture, Kelly Linton
The Life Histories of Aztec Sacrifices: A Stable Isotope Study (C, N, and O) of Offerings from Tlatelolco and the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan, Diana K. Moreiras Reynaga
The Anishinaabeg of Chief's Point, Bimadoshka Pucan
Weathering Storms and Flooded Waters: Anthropological Perspectives of Policy and Risk in Toronto, Ontario, Jennifer Spinney
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Perceptions of Primates and Protected Areas: Ethnoprimatological Implications for Conservation in the Pacoche Refuge, Tamara L. Britton
Intelligible Variability: Narratives of Male Sex Work in London Ontario Canada, Nathan Dawthorne
Indigenous Political Organization in Huamachuco, Peru, in the Early Seventeenth Century., Carolina Delgado Domínguez
Pushing the Limits: Testing, Magnetometry and Ontario Lithic Scatters, John E. Dunlop
Reconstructing The Social Landscape Of Cerro Arena, Peru, Felipe Gonzalez-Macqueen
Soccer, Space, and Community Integration: Being and Becoming Canadian in London, Ontario Through the World's Game, Marcelo Eduardo Herrera
'We are the Big Six:’ Maasai Perceptions and Organization of Cultural Tourism in Kenya, Kara D. Kelliher
Unsettling the Homeland: Fragments of Home and Homeland among Iraqi Exiles in Amman, Jordan, Abdulla Majeed
Guided by Smoke: A Comparative Analysis of Early Late Woodland Smoking Pipes from the Arkona Cluster, Shane McCartney
On Convivencia, Bridges and Boundaries: Belonging and exclusion in the narratives of Spain’s Arab-Islamic past, K. Elaine McIlwraith
Petrographic Analysis of Inuit Ceramics, John F. Moody
Storied Realities: A Case Study of Homelessness, Housing Policy, and Gender in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Alexandra E. Nelson
The Semi-Subterranean Sweat Lodges of the Redeemer Site, Amanda Parks
A House of Healing: The Importance of Friendship Centres to Urban Aboriginal Populations, Emily Pitts
"Too Hard to Pronounce"- Examining Immigration Ideologies in the Treatment of Newcomer Youths' Names, Nadja Schlote
Mothers Who Blog: An Exploration of Advice, Personal Stories and Motherhood Online, Rachael Simser
Social Identities in Chimu Times: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Burials from Chayhuac Walled Complex in Chan Chan site, Peru, Katya Valladares
From Buried Treasure and Risky Adventure to Sobering Matters of Concern: the Ring of Fire Discourse in Ontario Mining Events, Brianne L. Vescio
"Being Chinese" in Madagascar, Mingyuan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Tourism and state violence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, Hana S. Ahmed
Virtual Archaeology, Virtual Longhouses and "Envisioning the Unseen" Within the Archaeological Record, William M. Carter
Language as Function or Fashion? Multilingual Identity Formation Through Korean Language Learning, Hannah C. Cho
”Not Just Based On Land”: A Study On The Ethnic Tibetan Community in Toronto, Diyin Deng
Hunting for (dis)connections in Northern Ontario: "nature," wild meat, and community in Hearst, Daphné Gagnon
If Pits Could Talk: An Analysis of Features from the Figura Site (AgHk-52), Kelly Gostick
The Richness of Food: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Huaca Santa Clara and Huaca Gallinazo, North Coast of Peru, Arwen M. Johns
E-kawôtiniket 1876: Reclaiming Nêhiyaw Governance in the Territory of Maskwacîs through Wâhkôtowin (Kinship), Paulina R. Johnson