Anthropology Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Anthropology, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Shifting State Plans and the Politics of Street Food Vending in Cuba, Lina Johnston
Entangled Resurgence: Investigating 'Reconciliation' and the Politics of Language Revitalization in the Oneida Nation of the Thames, Hannah E. McGregor
Trees for the Primates: A Community-Based Assessment of Crowned Lemur (Eulemur coronatus) Habitat Preferences and Conservation in Northern Madagascar, Fernando Mario Mercado Malabet
Rethinking Holocene Ecological Relationships Among Caribou, Muskoxen, and Human Hunters on Banks Island, NWT, Canada: A Stable Isotope Approach, Jordon S. Munizzi
Exploring Community Formation and Coalescence at the Late 14th-Early 15th Century Tillsonburg Village Site, Rebecca Parry
Engaging Past and Future on a Community Supported Agriculture Farm, Catherine Villar
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Prohibited Practice: Drug Use, Harm Reduction and Benefit Enhancement in Toronto Rave Culture, Hilary Agro
Accounts of Engagement: Conditions and Capitals of Indigenous Participation in Canadian Commercial Archaeology, Joshua Dent
Buried Dreams: Refitting and Ritual at the Mount Albert Site, Southern Ontario, Kyle D. Forsythe
Paleoepidemiological Analysis of Trauma in a Roman Period Population from Kellis, Egypt, Circa 50-450 AD, Isabella A. Graham
The Roffelsen Site: A Late Woodland Place of Transition between Life and Death, Adria Grant
There Is More Than One Way to Do Something Right: Applying Community-Based Approaches to an Archaeology of Banks Island, NWT, Laura Elena Kelvin
Variability in Thule Inuit Subsistence Economy: A Faunal Analysis of OkRn-1, Banks Island, N.W.T., Kathryn Kotar
A History of Violence: 3000 Years of Interpersonal and Intergroup Conflicts from the Initial to the Early Colonial Periods in the Peruvian Central Coast. A Bioarchaeological Perspective, María del Carmen Vega Dulanto
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Ritual Violence and Times of Transition: A Bioarchaeological Analysis of Burials from Huaca Santa Clara and Huaca Gallinazo in the Virú Valley, Peru, Rebecca A. Dillon
Teaching Restless Bodies: Teachers’ Negotiations of ADHD in Sarnia, Ontario, Patrick Galler
The Use of Point Pattern Analysis in Archaeology: Some Methods and Applications, James R. Keron
Sexual-Economic Entanglement: A Feminist Ethnography of Migrant Sex Work Spaces in Kenya, Megan Lowthers
Practice Makes Projectiles: Genesse Biface Technology in Southern Ontario, Kaitlyn C.M. Malleau
Chancay Style Textiles in the Canadian Museum of History, Beheshteh M. Asil
Situating the Pot and Potter: Ceramic Production and Use at the Silvercreek Sites, Two Early-Late Woodland Sites in Elgin County, Ontario, Katelyn E. Mather
Conduits of Communion: Monstrous Affections in Algonquin Traditional Territory, Ian S.G. Puppe
Mining, Resistance and Livelihood in Rural Bangladesh, Md Rashedul Alam
"Last On the Warpath": The Spirit and Intent of Action Anthropology, Joshua J. Smith
Virú and Moche Textiles on the North Coast of Peru during the Early Intermediate Period: Material Culture, Domestic Traditions and Elite Fashions, Flannery K. Surette
To Walk About as They Pleaseth: An Exploratory Study of Limb Treatment and Positioning in Ancient Egyptian Mummies, Hallie Tennant
Understanding Early Woodland Meadowood Complex Settlement Patterns in Southwestern Ontario, Lara Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
“Write My Story Before I Forget”: An Auto-Ethnography Of Aboriginal Alcohol Dementia, Danielle Alcock
"We don’t need another Africville”: Historical Imaginings of Gentrification and Development in Halifax’s North End, Kelly Baker
Challenging Essentialized Representations of Romani Identities in Canada, Julianna Beaudoin
A Stable Isotope Analysis of Faunal Remains from Special Deposits on Ontario Iroquoian Tradition Sites, Laura Booth
The Violence of Representation: The (Un) Narration of Palestine in Public Discursive Space in Canada, Peige Desjarlais
Cultural Resource Management and Aboriginal Engagement: Policy and Practice in Ontario Archaeology, Megan DeVries
Statecraft in the Virú Valley, Peru, in the First Millennium A.D., Jordan T. Downey
New Opportunities in Digital Archaeology: The Use of Low-Cost Photogrammetry for 3D Documentation of Archaeological Objects from Banks Island, NWT, Colleen Haukaas
The Politics of Honduran Schoolteachers: State Agents Challenge the State, Jordan D. Levy
The Methodological and Diagnostic Applications of Micro-CT to Palaeopathology: A Quantitative Study of Porotic Hyperostosis, Jennifer A. Morgan
Elemental Distribution in Bone Impacted by Bacterial Diseases, Steven J. Naftel
Confronting Colonial Standard Making Practices: Environmental Governance and Invasive Species Management at Walpole Island First Nation, Kristy A. Nicholson
In Search of a Cause: An Etiological Analysis of Manubrial Porosity, Jose Sanchez
A Statistical Investigation of Nonmetric Vertebral Traits with a Skeletal Population Sample from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Tiffany A. Sarfo
More Than Just Sex: The Social Implications of HIV/AIDS in Lusaka, Zambia, Mbaka Wadham
Sacred Heart: A Stable Isotope Analysis of Childhood, Diet, and Mobility at a Nineteenth Century Ontario Cemetery, Emily Wells
The Reciprocal Influences of the Old Order Mennonite Community and Tourism in St. Jacobs, Ontario, Mingyuan Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Ancient DNA in Archaeologically Charred Zea Mays L: Prospects and Limitations, Chelsey Geralda Denise Armstrong
De-Essentializing the Past: Deconstructing Colonial Categories in 19th-Century Ontario, Matthew A. Beaudoin
Statistical analysis of nonmetric cranial trait interactions in a skeletal population sample from the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, Lisa C. Brown
Staging Sacrifice: Knowledge Mobilization and Visitation at Huacas de Moche, Peru, Alison K. Deplonty
Exploring the Movement of People in Postclassic and Historic Period Lamanai Using Stable Isotopes, Alicia E. Donis
Investigating The Role of Zoos In Primate Conservation: An Analysis Of Visitor Experience At The Toronto Zoo, Caleigh Ashton Farrell
The Call of the Wild Geese: An Ethnography of Diasporic Irish Language Revitalization in Southern and Eastern Ontario, Jonathan R. Giles
Foreigners Among the Dead at Túcume, Peru: Assessing residential mobility using isotopic tracers, Barbara R. Hewitt
A Micro-CT Analysis of the Hominoid Subnasal Anatomy, Arthur M. Klages
Rank, Competition, and the Etiquette of Community at a Squash Club, David E. Levine
In Defense of a Livelihood: Ontario Growers and the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program Debate, Matthew McKarney
The Money of Qaroon and the Patience of Ayoub: Women and Land in Egypt's Mubarak Resettlement Scheme, Dina Najjar
A Stable Isotope Investigation of Palaeodiet and Residential Mobility During the Integration Period, Quito Basin, Ecuador, Carlie Pennycook
Tu envidia es mi progreso: An Ethnographic Account of the Development of Squatter Settlements in San Juan de Miraflores, Lima, Peru., Brandon E. Rouleau
In the House of Transformation: Language Revitalization, State Regulation, and Indigenous Identity in Urban Amazonia, Sarah A. Shulist
Stable Isotope Ecology and Human-Animal Interactions in Northern Peru, Paul Szpak
Newcomer Expectations and Experiences: An Evaluation of English Conversation Circles in London, Ontario, Lisa Veldman
A Study of Faunal Consumption at the Gallinazo Group Site, Northern Coast of Peru, Claire Venet-Rogers
Cultivating change: Aspirations, realities and limits of community gardens in Windsor, Ontario, Brian Edward Venne
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Seat at the Table: A Nonconformist Approach to Grassroots Participation in the Articulation of Health Standards, Leanne Bekeris
Investigations of the Biological Consequences and Cultural Motivations of Artificial Cranial Modification Among Northern Chilean Populations, Christine E. Boston
A Comparative Ontogenetic Study of Biomechanical Adaptations in the Long Bones of South African Khoisan and Sadlermiut Inuit, Kaye-Lynn Boucher
Past Tents: Temporal Themes and Patterns of Provincial Archaeological Governance in British Columbia and Ontario, Joshua Dent
The Wounded Bricoleur: Adversity, Artifice and the Becoming of Street-Involved Youth in London, Ontario, Canada, Mark S. Dolson
Cultivating Respect for Difference: Exploring the Enactment of Community at HOPE Garden in Parkdale, Toronto, Monica J. Kelly
Women's Engagements with Christianity in Oksapmin, Papua New Guinea, Angela MacMillan
A Use-Wear Analysis of Gravers from Paleo-Indian Archaeological Sites in Southern Ontario, Monica S. Maika
Narrative Tactics: Windigo Stories and Indigenous Youth Suicide, Gerald P. McKinley
Somali Children and Youth's Experiences in Educational Spaces in North America: Reconstructing Identities and Negotiating the Past in the Present, Melissa Stachel
Hearts and Minds: Examining the Evolution of the Egyptian Excerebration and Evisceration Traditions through the IMPACT Mummy Database, Andrew D. Wade
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Exemplary Practice: Inscribing Conduct Along Upper Canada's Early Frontier, Tim Bisha
Model Socialist Town, Two Decades Later: Contesting the Past in Nowa Huta, Poland, Kinga Pozniak
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Cross-sectional Morphology and Mechanical Loading in Plio-Pleistocene Hominins: Implications for Locomotion and Taxonomy, Michele M. Bleuze Ms.