Publications from the Health Studies Department aim to increase understanding of health and wellness and the changing health needs of society. Research includes health policy, gerontology, bioethics, and health measurement and statistics.


Submissions from 2019


Priorities, barriers, and facilitators towards international guidelines for the delivery of supportive clinical care during an ebola outbreak: A cross-sectional survey, Marie Claude Battista, Christine Loignon, Lynda Benhadj, Elysee Nouvet, Srinivas Murthy, Robert Fowler, Neill K.J. Adhikari, Adnan Haj-Moustafa, Alex P. Salam, Adrienne K. Chan, Sharmistha Mishra, Francois Couturier, Catherine Hudon, Peter Horby, Richard Bedell, Michael Rekart, Jan Hajek, and Francois Lamontagne


Exploring the Physical Activity and Screen- Viewing-Related Knowledge, Training, and Self-Efficacy of Early Childhood Education Candidates, Brianne Bruijns, Kristi Adamo, Shauna Burke, Valerie Carson, Jennifer Irwin, Patti-Jean Naylor, Brian Timmons, Leigh Vanderloo, and Patricia Tucker

Parents’ Views of and Recommendations Related to Parent and Child Involvement in Family-Based Paediatric Obesity Interventions, Shauna Burke, Kristen Reilly, D. Briatico, Jennifer Irwin, Patricia Tucker, and Erin Pearson

The Impact of Shorter, More Frequent Outdoor Play Periods on Preschoolers’ Physical Activity during Childcare: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, Molly Driediger, Stephanie Trulove, Andrew Johnson, Leigh Vanderloo, Brian Timmons, Shauna Burke, Jennifer Irwin, and Patricia Tucker


Ebola virus disease and palliative care in humanitarian crises, Favila Escobio and Elysée Nouvet

Breaking Grad: Building Resilience Among a Sample of Graduate Students Struggling with Stress and Anxiety via a Peer Coaching Model - An 8-Month Pilot Study, Rebecca Fried, Melanie-Anne Atkins, and Jennifer Irwin

Breaking Grad: Building Resilience Among a Sample of Graduate Students Struggling with Stress and Anxiety via a Peer Coaching Model – An 8-Month Pilot Study, Rebecca Fried, Melanie-Anne Atkins, and Jennifer Irwin


Women's freedom of movement and participation in psychosocial support groups: Qualitative study in northern India, Nicola Gailits, Kaaren Mathias, Elysée Nouvet, Pooja Pillai, and Lisa Schwartz


A geospatial approach to understanding inequalities in accessibility to primary care among vulnerable populations, Jason A. Gilliland, Tayyab Shah, Andrew F. Clark, Shannon L. Sibbald, and Jamie A. Seabrook

Communication Strategies to Support Patience Behaviour Change, Jennifer Irwin

Introduction to Evidence-Informed Motivational Interviewing and Coaching Approaches to Facilitate Health Behaviour Change, Jennifer Irwin and Don Morrow


Coaching and/or Education Intervention for Parents with Overweight/Obesity and Their Children: Study Protocol of a Single-Centre Randomized Controlled Trial, Shazya Karmali, Victor Ng, Danielle Battram, Shauna Burke, Don Morrow, Erin Pearson, Patricia Tucker, Tara Mantler, Anita Cramp, Robert Petrella, and Jennifer Irwin

Parents’ Perspectives of a Coaching and/or Education Intervention for Parents with Overweight/Obesity and Their Children, Shazya Karmali, Victor Ng, Danielle Battram, Shauna Burke, Don Morrow, Erin Pearson, Patricia Tucker, Tara Mantler, Anita Cramp, Robert Petrella, and Jennifer Irwin

Weekly Recall of Sedentary Time: Validity of Two Weekly Self-Reported Measures in University Students, Marc Moulin, C. Lee, Patricia Tucker, Harry Prapavessis, and Jennifer Irwin

Sedentary Time Among Undergraduate Students: A Systematic Review, Marc Moulin, Stephanie Truelove, Shauna Burke, and Jennifer Irwin

Past-Week Recall of Sedentary Time: Validity of a Weekly Self-Reported Measure in University Students, Marc Moulin, Patricia Tucker, Chris Lee, Harry Prapavessis, and Jennifer Irwin


Perceptions of drones, digital adherence monitoring technologies and educational videos for tuberculosis control in remote Madagascar: A mixed-method study protocol, Elysée Nouvet, Astrid M. Knoblauch, Ian Passe, Andry Andriamiadanarivo, Manualdo Ravelona, Faniry Ainanomena Ramtariharisoa, Kimmerling Razafimdriana, Patricia C. Wright, Jesse McKinney, Peter M. Small, Niaina Rakotosamimanana, and Simon Grandjean Lapierre


What are you (un)doing with that story?, Elysée Nouvet, Christina Sinding, Catherine Graham, Jennie Vengris, Ann Fudge Schormans, Ailsa Fullwood, and Melanie Skeene


Motivational Interviewing with Families in the Home Environment, Carley O'Kane, Jennifer Irwin, Don Morrow, Lisa Tang, Samantha Wong, Andrea Buchholz, David Ma, and Jess Haines


Participants’ Perceptions of “C.H.A.M.P. Families”: A Parent-Focused Intervention Targeting Paediatric Overweight and Obesity, Kristen Reilly, Daniel Briatico, Jennifer Irwin, Patricia Tucker, Erin Pearson, and Shauna Burke

Parental Perceptions of a Parent-Only Childhood Obesity Intervention and its Impact on Families, Kristen Reilly, Shauna Burke, D. Briatico, Jennifer Irwin, Patricia Tucker, and Erin Pearson

The Impact of a Parent-Focused Paediatric Overweight/Obesity Intervention on Parent Self-Efficacy and Children’s Body Composition Outcomes, Kristen Reilly, Andrew Johnson, Patricia Tucker, Jennifer Irwin, Erin Pearson, D. Bock, and Shauna Burke

Kindness as an Intervention for Student Social Interaction Anxiety, Affect and Mood: The KISS of Kindness Study, Katie Shillington, Andrew Johnson, Tara Mantler, and Jennifer Irwin

Exploring the Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: Rationale and Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, Patricia Tucker, Molly Driediger, Leigh Vanderloo, Shauna Burke, Jennifer Irwin, Andrew Johnson, J. Shelley, and Brian Timmons


Sustainability of public health interventions: where are the gaps?, David Roger Walugembe, Shannon Sibbald, Marlene Janzen Le Ber, and Anita Kothari