Publications from the Health Studies Department aim to increase understanding of health and wellness and the changing health needs of society. Research includes health policy, gerontology, bioethics, and health measurement and statistics.


Submissions from 2016


Factors influencing communication and decision-making about life-sustaining technology during serious illness: A qualitative study, Jennifer Kryworuchko, P. H. Strachan, E. Nouvet, J. Downar, and J. J. You

Extra-ordinary aid and its shadows: The work of gratitude in Nicaraguan humanitarian healthcare, Elysée Nouvet

Opportunities, limits and challenges of perceptions studies for humanitarian contexts, Elysée Nouvet, Caroline Abu-Sada, Sonya de Laat, Christine Wang, and Lisa Schwartz

Moral sentiments in Aidland: Aid and development as moral experience, Elysée Nouvet and Tanya Jakimow

Waiting for the body to fail: limits to end-of-life communication in Canadian hospitals, Elysée Nouvet, Patricia H. Strachan, Jennifer Kryworuchko, James Downar, and John J. You


Moving Towards a New Vision: Implementation of a Public Health Policy Intervention, Ruta Valaitis, Marjorie MacDonald, Anita Kothari, Linda O’Mara, Sandra Regan, John Garcia, Nancy Murray, Heather Manson, Nancy Peroff-Johnston, Gayle Bursey, and Jennifer Boyko

Submissions from 2015


Using the RE-AIM Framework to Evaluate a Community-Based Summer Camp for Children with Obesity: A Prospective Feasibility Study, Shauna M. Burke, Sheree Shapiro, Robert J. Petrella, Jennifer D. Irwin, Michelle Jackman, Erin S. Pearson, Harry Prapavessis, and Joel Kevin Shoemaker


Building Trust: A Critical Component of Global Health, Obidimma Ezezika


Building Trust: A Critical Component of Global Health., Obidimma C Ezezika

Submissions from 2014


Improving communication in agbiotech projects: moving toward a trust- centered paradigm., Obidimma Ezezika and Justin Mabeya


To label or not to label: points to consider in balancing the risks, benefits and costs of mandatory GM labeling in Africa, Jessica Oh and Obidimma Ezezika

Submissions from 2013


She Came, She Saw, She Sowed: Re-negotiating Gender-Responsive Priorities for Effective Development of Agricultural Biotechnology in Sub-Saharan Africa, Obidimma Ezezika, Jennifer Deadman, and Abdallah S. Daar

Submissions from 2012


The Effects of Word Length, Articulation, Oral-motor Movement, and Lexicality on Gait: A Pilot Study, K. L. Davie, Janis E. Oram Cardy, J. D. Holmes, M. Gagnon, A. Hyde, M. E. Jenkins, and Andrew M. Johnson


Predicting Residential Treatment Outcomes for Emotionally and Behaviorally Disordered Youth: The Role of Pretreatment Factors, Wendy den Dunnen, Jeff St. Pierre, Shannon L. Stewart, Andrew M. Johnson, Steven Cook, and Alan W. Leschied


Building effective agbiotech partnerships founded on trust: a summary of the challenges and practices in sub-Saharan Africa, Obidimma Ezezika


The value of trust in biotech crop development: a case study of Bt cotton in Burkina Faso., Obidimma Ezezika, Kathryn Barber, and Abdallah S. Daar


Building trust in biotechnology crops in light of the Arab Spring: a case study of Bt maize in Egypt., Obidimma Ezezika and Abdallah S. Daar


Overcoming barriers to trust in agricultural biotechnology projects: a case study of Bt cowpea in Nigeria., Obidimma Ezezika and Abdallah S. Daar


Strategies for building trust with farmers: the case of Bt maize in South Africa., Obidimma Ezezika, Robin Lennox, and Abdallah S. Daar


Unfulfilled farmer expectations: the case of the Insect Resistant Maize for Africa (IRMA) project in Kenya, Obidimma Ezezika and Justin Mabeya


Building effective partnerships: the role of trust in the Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa project, Obidimma Ezezika, Justin Mabeya, and Abdallah S. Daar


Harmonized biosafety regulations are key to trust building in regional agbiotech partnerships: the case of the Bt cotton project in East Africa., Obidimma Ezezika, Justin Mabeya, and Abdallah S. Daar


What is trust? Perspectives from farmers and other experts in the field of agriculture., Obidimma Ezezika and Jessica Oh


Trait stacking for biotech crops: an essential consideration for agbiotech development projects for building trust., Obidimma Ezezika, Nadira Saleh, and Abdallah S. Daar


Nutrient Intake, Jennifer D. Irwin