Publications from the Health Studies Department aim to increase understanding of health and wellness and the changing health needs of society. Research includes health policy, gerontology, bioethics, and health measurement and statistics.


Submissions from 2004


Visual Inspection Time in Parkinson's Disease: Deficits in Early Stages of Cognitive Processing, Andrew M. Johnson, Quincy J. Almeida, Con Stough, James C. Thompson, Rene Singarayer, and Mandar S. Jog


The Genetic Basis of Substance Abuse: Mediating Effects of Sensation Seeking, Andrew M. Johnson and Philip A. Vernon


Screening for Parkinson's Disease with Response Time Batteries: A Pilot Study, Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon, Quincy J. Almeida, Linda L. Grantier, Rene Singarayer, and Mandar S. Jog


A Behavior Genetic Investigation of the Relationship between Leadership and Personality, Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon, Julie Aitken Harris, and Kerry L. Jang


Individual and Regional Determinants of Mammography Uptake, Anita Kothari and Stephen Birch


Confirmation of Correlation between Brain Nerve Conduction Velocity and Intelligence Level in Normal Adults, T. Edward Reed, Philip A. Vernon, and Andrew M. Johnson


Sex Difference in Brain Nerve Conduction Velocity in Normal Humans, T. Edward Reed, Philip A. Vernon, and Andrew M. Johnson

Submissions from 2003


A Role of the Basal Ganglia in Movement: The Effect of Precues on Discrete Bi-directional Movements in Parkinson's Disease, Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon, Quincy J. Almeida, Linda L. Grantier, and Mandar S. Jog

Submissions from 2002


Sublingual Atropine for Sialorrhea Secondary to Parkinsonism: A Pilot Study, H. Christopher Hyson, Andrew M. Johnson, and Mandar S. Jog


The Contextual Approach in Health Research: Two Empirical Studies, Anita Kothari

Submissions from 2001


Age and Neuropsychological Status Following Exposure to Violent Nonimpact Acceleration Forces in MVAs, James E. Sweeney and Andrew M. Johnson

Submissions from 2000


The Critical Care Research Network: A Partnership in Community Based Research and Research Transfer, Sean Keenan, Jennifer Kossuth, William Sibbald, Claudio Martin, and Jeannette Eberhard

Submissions from 1999


Individual Differences in Multiple Dimensions of Aggression: A Univariate and Multivariate Genetic Analysis, Philip A. Vernon, Julie M. McCarthy, Andrew M. Johnson, Kerry L. Jang, and Julie Aitken Harris

Submissions from 1998


Nature vs. Nurture: Are Leaders Born or Made? A Behavior Genetic Investigation of Leadership Style, Andrew M. Johnson, Philip A. Vernon, Julie M. McCarthy, Mindy Molson, Julie Aitken Harris, and Kerry L. Jang


Smoking Cessation, Physicians and Medical Office Staff: A Significant Opportunity for Clinical Tobacco Intervention in Prince Edward Island, Margo S. Rowan, Robert B. Coambs, Phyllis Jensen, Marilyn Balderston, David MacKenzie, and Anita Kothari


The Ontario Health Care Evaluation Network and the Critical Care Research Network as Vehicles for Research Transfer, William Sibbald and Jennifer Kossuth