Publications from the Health Studies Department aim to increase understanding of health and wellness and the changing health needs of society. Research includes health policy, gerontology, bioethics, and health measurement and statistics.
Submissions from 2007
Activity and Obesity of Colombian immigrants in Canada Who Use a Food Bank, Victor Ng, Timothy J. Rush, Meizi He, and Jennifer D. Irwin
Food Insecurity and Dietary Intake of Immigrant Food Bank Users, Timothy J. Rush, Victor Ng, Jennifer D. Irwin, Larry W. Stitt, and Meizi He
The Effect of Season and Weather on Physical Activity: A Systematic Review, Patricia Tucker and Jason Gilliland
Splashpads, Swings, and Shade: Parents' Preferences for Neighbourhood Parks, Patricia Tucker, Jason Gilliland, and Jennifer D. Irwin
University Students' Perspectives on a Physical Activity Record-Keeping Log, Patricia Tucker and Jennifer D. Irwin
Submissions from 2006
Advancing Rehabilitation Research: An Interactionist Perspective to Guide Question and Design, Doreen J. Bartlett, Jennifer Macnab, Colin Macarthur, Angie Mandich, Joyce Magill-Evans, Nancy L. Young, Deryk Beal, Angela Conti-Becker, and Helene J. Polatajko
CatM regulation of the benABCDE operon: functional divergence of two LysR-type paralogs in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1., Obidimma Ezezika, Lauren S Collier-Hyams, Haley A Dale, Andrew C Burk, and Ellen L Neidle
Environmental Equity Is Child's Play: Mapping Public Provision of Recreation Opportunities in Urban Neighbourhoods, Jason Gilliland, Martin Holmes, Jennifer D. Irwin, and Patricia Tucker
Phenotypic and Genetic Relationships between Vocational Interests and Personality, Julie Aitken Harris, Philip A. Vernon, Andrew M. Johnson, and Kerry L. Jang
Through An Other Looking Glass: Gender, Social Issues, and the Media Impact on Body Image, Jennifer D. Irwin and Patricia Tucker
Non-pharmacological Management of Hypokinetic Dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease, Andrew M. Johnson and S. G. Adams
The Self-worth, Physical and Social Activities of Graduate Students: A Qualitative Study, Amanda Longfield, Joanne Romas, and Jennifer D. Irwin
Feasibility of a Campus-Based “Buddy System” to Promote Physical Activity: Canadian Students’ Perspectives, Patricia Tucker and Jennifer D. Irwin
Preschoolers' Dietary Behaviours: Parents' Perspectives, Patricia Tucker, Jennifer D. Irwin, Meizi He, L. Michelle Sangster Bouck, and Graham Pollett
Preventing Paediatric Obesity; Recommendations from a Community-based Qualitative Investigation, Patricia Tucker, Jennifer D. Irwin, L. M. Sangster Bouck, Meizi He, and G. Pollett
Submissions from 2005
Evaluating Clinical Rating Scales for Evidence-Based Dermatology: Some Basic Concepts, Madhulika A. Gupta, Andrew M. Johnson, and Mary-Margaret Chren
Screen-viewing Behaviors among Preschoolers Parents' Perceptions, Meizi He, Jennifer D. Irwin, L. Michelle Sangster Bouck, Patricia Tucker, and Graham L. Pollett
Preschoolers' Physical Activity Behaviours: Parents' Perspectives, Jennifer D. Irwin, Meizi He, L. Michelle Sangster Bouck, Patricia Tucker, and Graham L. Pollett
Health Promotion Theory in Practice: An Analysis of Co-Active Coaching, Jennifer D. Irwin and Don Morrow
From Perception to Execution in Parkinson’s Disease, Andrew M. Johnson and Quincy J. Almeida
Memory Perception and Strategy Use in Parkinson's Disease, Andrew M. Johnson, Carrie C. Pollard, Philip A. Vernon, Jennifer L. Tomes, and Mandar S. Jog
Brain Nerve Conduction Velocity Is a Valid and Useful Construct for Studying Human Cognitive Abilities: A Reply to Saint-Amour et al, Andrew M. Johnson, T. Edward Reed, and Philip A. Vernon
Fostering Interactions: The Networking Needs of Community Health Nursing Researchers and Decision Makers, Anita Kothari, Nancy Edwards, Susan Brajtman, Barbara Campbell, Nadia Hamel, Frances Legault, Judy Mill, and Ruta Valaitis
Effective Social Marketing to Promote a Campus-Based Physical Activity Intervention: Students' Perspectives, Patricia Tucker and Jennifer D. Irwin
Submissions from 2004
Prevalence of University Students' Sufficient Physical Activity: A Systematic Review, Jennifer D. Irwin