Education Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Education, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Public School Washroom as Heterotopia: Gendered Spatiality and Subjectification, Jennifer C. Ingrey
Internationalizing Canadian Higher Education through North-South Partnerships: A Critical Case Study of Policy Enactment and Programming Practices in Tanzania, Allyson M. Larkin
Multimodal Literacy Learning Opportunities in One Grade Six Classroom: Possibilities and Constraints, Terry S. Loerts
Print Literacy Opportunities for Young Children in a Multimodal Literacy Ensemble, Lori McKee
Out of Alignment: Managing Literacy Assessment Work in the Primary Classroom, Holly Carol Parkinson
Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Equity and Inclusive Education and Their Pedagogical Choices, Kelley G. Porteous Jones
A Case Study of Pedagogical Practices and Learning Environment in an Ontario Francophone Child Care Centre, Alan D. Russette
Balanced Bilinguals' Unique Emotional Expressiveness, Maya Salloum
Transition of Newcomer Youth in Ontario Educational Policies: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Cameron Scott
Investigating the High Attrition Rate of Boys in Iranian Schools: A Case Study of Key Stakeholders’ Perspectives, Sirous Tabrizi
Reflecting on Multimodal Pedagogy: An autoethnographic narrative of the inclusion of art across the elementary classroom curriculum, Jessica S. Taylor Charland
Factors Responsible for Work-Life Conflict: A Study Comparing the Teaching and Legal Professions, Waleska A. Vernon
A comparative analysis of the implementation of Education for All (EFA) policies in two countries: Barbados and the Republic of Ghana, Carolyne Verret
Early Childhood Educators' Experiences of the Ontario Full-Day Early Learning: Promises to Keep, Rose M. Walton
Listening to Voices of Exceptional Students to Inform Art Pedagogy, Christina Yarmol
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Black Students' Perspectives on Academic Success, Melanie-Anne P. Atkins
Motivation and Technology for Quebec CEGEP ESL Classes, Jamie R. Bridge
Short- and Long-Term Occasional Teaching Work Arrangement Differences, Annamarie Chalikakis
Cultural Connectedness as Personal Wellness in First Nations Youth, Ben Davis
Seeing Again: Revision in the Grade Three Classroom, Jacqueline S. Ehrhardt
The History Classroom as Site for Imagining the Nation: An Investigation of U.S. and Canadian Teachers' Pedagogical Practices, Lisa Y. Faden
The Problem of the Penumbra: Elementary School Principals' Exercise of Discretion in Student Disciplinary Issues, Nora M. Findlay
School closures in Ontario: A case of conflicting values?, Richard Wm Irwin
AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in Public Schools: A Case Study of HIV-Positive Children in Kenya, Maryanne N. Kamau
Students’ Strategies for Writing Arguments from Online Sources of Information, Lori C. Kirkpatrick
Straight allies: Combating homophobia and interrogating heteronormativity 'straight' on, Alicia A. Lapointe
Gender and Sexual Orientation in the Elementary Classroom: Teachers Negotiating Critical Literacies and Queer Pedagogies, Pamela M. Malins
Exploring the Experiences of Black International Caribbean Students at a Canadian University, Francillia Paul
The volunteer work of newly-certified unemployed teachers in Ontario schools, Jennifer C. Pearce
Relations of Mathematics Teacher Education Research Categories with Pre-Service Teacher Education Syllabi, Leslie-Anne R. Purdy
Social Skill Development of Adults with Disabilities in a Community Drama Group, Jennifer E. Richardson
The Influence of Physical Education Teachers' Beliefs on Secondary School-Based Physical Activity Opportunities: A Case Study of One Ontario Public School, Gregory D. Rickwood
Women in Science and Engineering: The Impact of Gender Equity Policies in Mexican Higher Education, Elida Sanchez Cruz
On the Nature of Students' Digital Mathematical Performances, Ricardo Scucuglia Rodrigues da Silva
Understanding Teachers’ Information Needs, Perceived Competencies, and Information Seeking Behaviours for Special Education Information, Michelle M. Servais
Exploring the Current Nature of a School Principal's Work, Donna Swapp
"Men to the Rescue" - The Influence of Male English Teachers on Boys' Literacy Achievement, Margaret Anne Watson
School Re-entry Protocols for Children with Acquired Brain Injury, Matt White
Examining Assistive Technology Use, Self-concept, and Motivation, as Students with Learning Disabilities Transition from a Demonstration School into Inclusive Classrooms, Gabrielle D. Young
The Language Learning of Refugee Students in Canadian Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, Hongfang Yu
National Identity Perceptions and the Experiences of 1.5 Generation Youth with English Learning and First Language Loss, Olena Yuzefova
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Research to Practice Gap in the Identification and Instruction of Students at Risk for Reading Disabilities: Teachers' Perspectives, Katherine Davidson
The Power of Silence and the Price of Success: Academic Achievement as Transformational Resistance for Aboriginal Women, Dawn M. Harvard
Interplay of masculinity and schooling in rural Zimbabwe, Alfred Masinire
General Education Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Developing "Interventionist" Beliefs and Practices, Michelle Pompeo
A critical analysis of the factors that promote and support leadership and advocacy for people with lived experience with mental health problems or illness., Kathryn L. Storey
A Descriptive Study Utilizing Grounded Theory: The Moral-Reasoning Process of Coaches, David M. Telles-Langdon
Students' Experiences Within a Community-Based Orchestral Music Education Program: A Phenomenological Exploration, Leigh C. Walter
International Chinese and Canadian Students' Experiences of Internationalization at a Canadian University, Linda J. Weber
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
This Tract of Land: North Buxton, Ontario, 1873-1914, Claudine Y. Bonner
Cambodian National Education Policy: Global Wants and/or Local Needs?, Kelly T. Crowley Dr.
The Professional Master's Occupational Therapist: Developing an Emerging Professional Identity, Bonny F. Jung