Master of Education
Dr. Marianne Larsen
This study’s goals are to analyze Education for All (EFA) policies in these two Global South countries, Barbados and Ghana, and compare their adaptation, their implementation processes and the outcomes, in conjunction with UNESCO’s EFA goals. The research design used to carry out this project is a comparative case-study as it provides an understanding between the context and the processes, the structures and the actions pertaining to EFA in these two countries. This comparative case-study is based on a document analysis as a method for data collection and analysis with a critical democratic perspective. The findings have shown that factors that have contributed to these countries’ progress towards EFA goals are multilevel and multidimensional. Strategies aiming at economics and finances, politics, administration, education and pedagogy, human resources and non-human resources, have had positive impacts on the EFA implementation. The analysis of the data helped determine whether or not there is anything that can be learned of practical value for other countries which have, thus far, been unable or struggling to meet their EFA goals in terms of early childhood care and universal primary education of quality, gender equality, literacy and lifelong learning.
Recommended Citation
Verret, Carolyne, "A comparative analysis of the implementation of Education for All (EFA) policies in two countries: Barbados and the Republic of Ghana" (2013). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1402.