Education Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Education, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
"What About the Boys" in Tights: Beyond the "Boy Crisis" and Into the Literacy Potential of Superhero Fiction, Jacob Cassidy
Examining The Socio-spatial Knowledge(s) Of Disabled And Mad Students In Higher Education, Mark A. Castrodale
Depression among Perpetrators of Domestic Homicide, Polly Cheng
Linguistic Identity and Investment in Grade 8 Core French Students, Heather B. Gauthier
Conjoint Therapy for Intimate Partner Violence Among Aboriginal Couples: Service Provider's Perspectives on Therapeutic Content and Activities, Parisa Ghanbari
Individual Education Plan (IEP) Development For Children With Developmental Disabilities In Ontario's Public Schools: A Narrative Case Study Inquiry, Karen P. Gregory
Pearl Harvesting Autism, Mariya Gruntovskaya
An Investigation into Writing for Scholarly Publication by Novice Scholars: Practices of Canadian Anglophone Doctoral Students, Pejman Habibie
Gender and Age Considerations in the Relationship of Frequency of NSSI and Emotion Regulation in Comparison to SSI, Kathryn Harrison
Caregivers' Experiences Raising a Child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Aamena Kapasi
Muslim Female Students and Their Experiences of Higher Education in Canada, Farzaneh Khosrojerdi
Educational Assistants Supporting Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools, Amy C. Kipfer
Protective Factors and the Role of Gender in Childhood Mental Health: Application of the interRAI Assessment Protocol, Alexandria Lynch
Defending Liberal Education: Implications for Educational Policy, Christopher W. Lyons
Hearing the Unheard Voices: an In-Depth Look at Teacher Mental Health and Wellness, Kirsten A. Marko
Using a Pearl Harvested Synonym Ring for the Creation of a Digital Index on Giftedness, Nichole E. Mortimer
Ontario College of Teachers Cases of Teacher Sexual Misconduct, Taryn Mototsune
Investigating Trans-Affirmative Education Policies and Practices in Ontario, Kenan Omercajic
The Emotional Experience and Expression of Anger: A Child's Perspective, Craig A. Oolup
Writing Narratives with the Aid of Picture Stories, David S. Rayo
Examining gifted students' transition to university and its influence on learning, Adrienne E. Sauder
Resilience Factors in School Youth: Looking through Gender and Cultural Lenses, Diana Chanthury Saverimuthu
The Relationship Between Violent Media, Pornography, and Cyber Dating Abuse Among Adolescents, Jessica Sciaraffa
The Learning of Human Ingenuity Within a Formal, Environmental Education Program: A Case Study of Two Secondary School Programs, Brian D. Smith
Sensory-Based Arts Education and Engagement in the Junior Classroom: Exploring Multiple Ways of Knowing and Meaning, Tracy Thomson
University Athlete Transition: Making the Jump from Sport to Life, Natascha Wesch
Childhood Sexual Abuse, Adolescent Substance Use and the Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation, Kaitlyn Yarlasky
Adolescent Bystander Perceptions of Sexual Violence Scenarios, Gloria Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A transpositive approach to therapy with transgender clients: An exploration of therapists' subjective experiences, Ronnie M. Ali
The Role of Mobile Phones in Health Education for Rural Communities in Ghana: An Exploratory Study in Digital Technologies, Kinful Lartebea Aryee
Labelling & Intervening in Parental Alienation Cases: A Review of Canadian Court Decisions 2010-2012, Karendeep Aujla
‘Curricular Choice’ in Ontario Public Secondary Schools: Exploring the Policy and Practice of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, Wendy J. Baker
Newcomer Youths' Experiences of School, Lori-Ann A. Brown
Children's Voices in a School-Based Mental Health Needs Assessment, Shannon Byrne
Building a Community Art Garden: A Participatory Eco-Arts Based Educational Research Project, Beryl R. Cohen
Early Adolescents' Experiences of Mental Health: A Mixed-Methods Investigation, Lisa-Marie Coulter
International Service-Learning: Transformational Learning Through Experience, Shannan Lee Crowder
Encouraging Diversity And Multiculturalism In London, Ontario: A Case Study Of Two Elementary Schools, Abhilasha Duggal
Exploring Preschool Educators' Funds of Knowledge about Print Literacy Pedagogy through a Narrative Lens, Nazila Eisazadeh
Reporting Sexual Violence in School: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude and Behaviours, Ronit Futerman
Our Stories: Inuit Teachers Create Counter Narratives and Disrupt the Status Quo, Dawn E L Fyn
Enrichment Programming for Secondary School Gifted Students: A Narrative Inquiry, Melissa D. Gollan-Wills
Childhood Abuse and Neglect: A Profile of Associated Risk Factors for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, Jennifer P. Gomez
Assessing and responding to parental alienation cases: Does gender matter in Canadian court decisions?, Bryanne M. Harris
Three Models for Educating for Empathy and Humanization through Values Dialogue in Secondary School Classes, Adam J. Hill
Global Citizenship Through the Eyes of the Grade Seven Elementary Students: A Case Study, Eva Jaberi
A Critical Policy Analysis of Internationalization in Postsecondary Education : An Ontario Case Study, Ali Khorsandi Taskoh
Student Perspectives of Misbehaviour, Katie A. Knowlton
Learning to Prevent Burning and Fatigue: Teacher Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, Adam Koenig
Canadian University Early Admission Policies for Gifted and Talented Students, Waldemar P. Kruszynski
Voices Count: Employing A Critical Narrative Research Bricolage For Insights Into Dyscalculia, Diana E. Kuhl
Technology Based Mental Health Support Strategies for Youth, Kathleen S. Larion
Establishing School Safety: Lessons Learned From a High Needs School, Jacqueline Lau
Learners' Stories: A Study of Hong Kong Post-Secondary Students' English Learning Experiences and Identity Construction, Vickie Wai Kei Li
Creativity as a Mental State: An EEG Study of Musical Improvisation, Joel A. Lopata
Obtaining a Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Experiences of Caregivers and Professionals, Erica R. Lundberg
Beyond the Neoliberal Imaginary: Investigating the Role of Critical Pedagogy in Higher Education, Melanie M. Mazier
Examining Artistic Processes And Transfer, Trish Osler
The “Fifth Business" of Department Heads: Examining the perceptions of department heads about their role, Nikola Paranosic
Investigating the Experiences of Queer International Students, Elizabeth S. Patrick
Reforming Ontario Teachers (1990-2010): The Role of the College of Teachers, Janice Pennycook
Learner Anxiety and Professional Practice Self-efficacy in Nursing Education, Joanna Pierazzo
Mental Health and Safety in Schools: Children’s perceptions and experiences, Larissa K. Pipe
What is Writing in Undergraduate Anthropology? An Activity Theory Analysis, Boba M. Samuels
Adolescents Experiences with Cyberbullying: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Nasim Shojayi
Foster parents' experiences and withdrawal considerations: Comparing treatment and regular foster care, Jessica N. Smith
Examining the Relationship of Variables Associated with Pre-Service Teachers Coping During their Practicum Experience, Andrew E. Soave
Investigating Teachers' Understandings of Gender Equity and Achievement in Postfeminist Times, Katee Joy Van Campen
Secondary Traumatic Stress and Alexithymia in High-Risk Professionals, Matthew R. J. Vandermeer
Reporting Child Exposure to Domestic Violence: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Behaviours, Katherine Vink
Evaluating Mental Health Training for Teachers: Identifying and Supporting Students with Mental Health Challenges, Jessica A. Woods
Using Worked-Out Examples of Written Explanation for Writing-to-Learn in Evolutionary Biology, Amy M. Yu
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Ontario Leadership Framework and Leadership Interactions in a Sustained Working Group in Ontario Education, Daniel Ballantyne
Exploring Attachment and the Transition to Motherhood for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Laura E. Bellhouse
Examining Risk: Profiles of Adult Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence, Carolyn Carrier
The Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Novice Elementary French as a Second Language Teachers, Shelley Cooke
Telling tales out of school: Principals' narratives of the relationship between school literacy and the home literacy practices of a minoritized culture, Wendy A. Crocker
Teachers' Mental Health Literacy and Capacity towards Student Mental Health, Tamara D. Daniszewski
A Structured Conceptualization of Reasons to Accelerate: Words from the WISE, Lynn Dare
An Investigation Into Identity, Power and Autonomous EFL Learning Among Indigenous and Minority Students In Post-secondary Education: A Mexican Case Study, Colette Despagne
Fostering Creativity: Ontario Teachers’ Perceptions, Strategies, and Experiences, Catharine M. Dishke Hondzel
Gender and Grade Differences in How High School Students Experience and Perceive Cyberbullying, Jeremy D. Doucette
The Effects Upon Students of Supplementing Aboriginal Post-Secondary Transition Programs With Traditional Cultural Activities, Karen Favell
Elementary Students' Beliefs About the Causes of Learning Difficulties: A Comparison Between Canada and Saudi Arabia, Huda Saleh Felimban
"Sit-still and Shut-up": The Construction of Childhood and Classroom Management Pedagogies in a Preservice Education Textbook, Marlene P. Frederick
Core French Teachers’ Perceptions of ELL Inclusion: A Mixed-Methods Investigation, Jordana F. Garbati
Reducing Epilepsy-Related Stigma: Teachers' Implementation of an Epilepsy Education Program, Gayle Michelle Gibson
A Case study mapping literacy learning opportunities and identity construction among African immigrant youth in a Canadian Secondary School, Wambui J. Gichuru
Perspective Transformation Amongst Student Interns, Robert V. Gough
College instructors’ preparedness to teach students with learning disabilities, Kathryn D. Hansen
Why Are Secondary School Girls Not Embracing Science?, Felicia F. Ibrahim
The Public School Washroom as Heterotopia: Gendered Spatiality and Subjectification, Jennifer C. Ingrey