Master of Arts
Dr. Shannon Stewart
School disengagement (SD) places students at risk of dropout, academic failure and other negative psychological outcomes. Based on the data derived from a sample of southern Ontario children, this exploratory study aims to identify a wide context of risk factors associated with SD among 1298 school-aged students. Logistic regression model revealed that substance use, family functioning, Attention Distractibility Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and victim of bullying significantly predicted SD. Externalizing problem was slightly stronger than internalizing problem in predicting SD. Females, compared to males, were at lower risk for SD. Implications to decrease the likelihood of premature school termination were also discussed. This study provides further supporting evidence for the argument that early intervention at school is important and improved access to mental health services should be made possible to circumvent more extensive mental health needs in students’ later life and decrease premature school termination.
Recommended Citation
Sun, Li, "A Study of Risk Factors of School Disengagement: Evidence from the InterRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Instrument (ChYMH)" (2016). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 3689.