Master of Arts
Dr. Jason Brown
The current study describes the lived experiences of stakeholders in a community-based fetal alcohol spectrum disorders assessment clinic. A qualitative methodology was used. Five participants, one caregiver and four professionals, were interviewed about their experiences. Six themes emerged from this process including: clinic organization: systemic strengths and challenges; attitudes and approach: laying the foundation; beyond yes or no: assessment and diagnosis; the moment of truth: delivering the diagnosis; outcomes: what happens after the diagnosis?; what does the future hold? next steps and needs. These themes formed a sequential story-telling of participant experience. Study results are critiqued and practical implications are discussed.
Recommended Citation
Lundberg, Erica R., "Obtaining a Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Experiences of Caregivers and Professionals" (2014). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 1962.