Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1992
Identification in Empirical Models of Auctions, Stephen G. Donald and Harry J. Paarsch
Inequality and Capital Accumulation Under Majority Voting Taxation, S Rao Aiyagari and Dan Peled
Liquidity, Exchange Rates, and Business Cycles, Wai-Ming Ho
Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Empirical Models of Auctions, Stephen G. Donald and Harry J. Paarsch
On the Cyclical Allocation of Risk, Paul Gomme and Jeremy Greenwood
The Role of Oil Price Shocks in a Two-Sector, Two-Country Model of the Business Cycle, J Praschnik and Donna M. Costello
Wage and Price Stickiness in Macroeconomics: An Historical Perspective, David Laidler
Submissions from 1991
Barter and Monetary Exchange Under Private Information, Steve Williamson and Randall Wright
Currency Elasticity and Banking Panics: Theory and Evidence, Bruce Champ, Bruce D. Smith, and Stephen D. Williamson
Dynamic Factor Demand and Value Function Methods, Stephen Gordon
Income Inequality and International Migration, James B. Davies and Ian Wooton
Liquidity and Market Participation, Stephen D. Williamson
On the Social Optimality of Liquidated Damage Clauses: An Economic Analysis, Tai-Yeong Chung
Optimal Capital Income Taxation and Long Run Debt with Borrowing Constraints, S Rao Aiyagari and Dan Peled
Optimal International Trade Agreements and Dispute Settlement Procedures, Rodney D. Ludema
Perfect Equilibria in a Negotiation Model, Lutz-Alexander Busch and Quan Wen
Price Stability and The Monetary Order, David Laidler
Searching for Investment Opportunities: A Micro Foundation for Endogenous Growth, Benjamin Bental and Dan Peled
Tax Analysis in a Real Business Cycle Model: On Measuring Harberger Triangles and Okun Gaps, Jeremy Greenwood and Gregory W. Huffman
The Allocation of Capital and Time Over the Business Cycle, Jeremy Greenwood and Zvi Hercowitz
The Antebellum American Tariff: Food Exports and Manufacturing, C Knick Harley
The Cycle Before New-Classical Economics, David Laidler
The Role of Transaction Volume in Producing Information About Asset Prices, Gregory W. Huffman
Submissions from 1990
A First Graduate Course in Economic Theory and Game Theory, Glenn M. MacDonald
Animal Spirits, Peter Howitt and R Preston McAfee