Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1994
Algorithms for Solving Dynamic Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints, Lawrence J. Christiano and Jonas DM Fisher
Commitment Through Specific Investment in Contractual Relationships, Tai-Yeong Chung
Cotton Textile Prices and the Industrial Revolution, C Knick Harley
Credit Market Imperfections and the Heterogeneous Response of Firms to Monetary Shocks, Jonas DM Fisher
Dynamic Programming for Non-Additive Stochastic Objectives, Hiroyuki Ozaki and Peter A. Streufert
Endogenous Buffer Stock Money, David Laidler and William Robson
Incomplete Information Cores: An Insurance Example, Gordon R. Green
Local Externalities and Spatial Equilibria: Technological Standardization and the Preservation of Variety, Robin Cowan and William Cowan
Making Inequality Comparisons When Lorenz Curves Intersect, James B. Davies and Michael Hoy
On the Evolution of the Distribution of Income, Arthur Robson and Myrna Holtz Wooders
Regulating the Oligopoly with Unknown Costs, Gyu Ho Wang
Relative Prices, Complementarities and Co-movement Among Components of Aggregate Expenditures, Jonas DM Fisher
Rent-Seeking Contest When the Prize Increases With Aggregate Efforts, Tai-Yeong Chung
Robertson in the 1920s, David Laidler
Settlement of Litigation Under Rule 68: An Economic Analysis, Tai-Yeong Chung
Some Aspects of Monetarism Circa 1970 - A View from 1994, David Laidler
Sprayed to Death: Pest Control Strategies and Technological Lock-In, Robin Cowan and Philip Gunby
Tax Coordination in a Cross-Hauling Model: Conflict or Harmony of Interest?, Andreas Haufler
The Cyclical Behavior of Job Creation and Job Destruction: A Sectoral Model, Jeremy Greenwood, Glenn M. MacDonald, and Guang-Jia Zhang
The Emergence of the Phillips Curve as a Policy Menu, David Laidler
Toilet Cleaning and Department Chairing: Volunteering a Public Service, Marc Bilodeau and Al Slivinski
Why Do Agents Hold Money, and Why Does it Matter?, David Laidler
Submissions from 1993
An Incomplete Information Core of a Dynamic Economy, Gordon R. Green
A Survey of Recent Empirical Work Concerning Auctions, Kenneth Hendricks and Harry J. Paarsch
Cheap Talk and Signaling Games, Gyu Ho Wang