Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1993
Deriving an Estimate of the Optimal Auction: An Application to British Columbian Timber Sales, Harry J. Paarsch
Destructive Interference in an Imperfectly Competitive Multi-Security Market, Utpal Bhattacharya, Philip J. Reny, and Matthew Spiegel
Endogenous Growth and the Choice of Tax Base, Carlo Perroni
Endogenous Money and Goods Production in a Search Model, Scott Hendry
Factor Returns, Comparative Advantage and Market Size: Some Core-Periphery Results, F J. Anderson
Hawtrey, Harvard, and the Origins of the Chicago Tradition, David Laidler
Identification, Estimation, and Testing in Empirical Models of Auctions Within the Independent Private Values Paradigm, Stephen G. Donald and Harry J. Paarsch
Intermediate Goods and the Transmission of International Business Cycles, Donna M. Costello and J Praschnik
Is Health Care Really a Luxury?, A G. Blomqvist and R AL Carter
Issues in a Natural Resources Economy, F J. Anderson
Monopolistic Competition, Increasing Returns and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, Brian Rivard
Multi-Player Bargaining Situations: A Decision Theoretic Approach, Murali Agastya
On the Choice of Mechanism to Sell Timber, Harry J. Paarsch and Gyu Ho Wang
The Importance of Input Price Shocks for Business Cycles in Developing Economies, Jack Praschnik
The Partnered Core of a Game With Side Payments, Philip Reny, Eyal Winter, and Myrna Holtz Wooders
What Can Univariate Models Tell Us About Economic Growth 1870-1985?, Lewis Evans and Neil Quigley
Submissions from 1992
A Comparison of Estimators for Empirical Models of Auctions, Harry J. Paarsch
A Non-Cooperative View of Coalition Formation and the Core, Motty Perry and Philip Reny
Are Labor Shares Really Constant? An International Study of the Cyclical Behavior of Labor Shares, Donna M. Costello and J Praschnik
Cross-Border Externalities and Trade Liberalization: The Strategic Control of Pollution, Rodney D. Ludema and Ian Wooton
Does Trade Cause Firms to Specialize?, F J. Anderson
Efficiency of Comparative Negligence: A Game Theoretic Analysis, Tai-Yeong Chung
Empirical Models of Auctions and an Application to British Columbian Timber Sales, Harry J. Paarsch
Hayek on Neutral Money and the Cycle, David Laidler
Hubs and Spokes, and Free Trade in the Americas, Carsten Kowalczyk and Ronald J. Wonnacott