Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1989
On Savings and Investment Dynamics in a Small Open Economy, Mary G. Flinn
Real Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy: The Canadian Case, Enrique G. Mendoza
Resource Discoveries and "Excessive" External Borrowing, Arman Mansoorian
Rural-Urban Migration and the Structure of Production, Kul B. Bhatia
Submissions from 1988
Alfred Marshall and the Development of Monetary Economics, David Laidler
A Method for Determining Whether Parameters in Aggregative Models are Structural, Michael Parkin
Are Perceptions of Inflation Rational? Some Evidence for Sweden, Lars Jonung and David Laidler
Coal Exports and British Shipping, 1850-1913, C Knick Harley
Intertemporal Asset-Pricing Relationships in Barter and Monetary Economies: An Empirical Analysis, Mary G. Flinn, Dennis L. Hoffman, and Don E. Schlagenhauf
Monetary Policy and Policy Credibility Theories and Evidence, Keith Blackburn and Michael Christensen
Ocean Freight Rates and Productivity, 1740:1913: The Primacy of Mechanical Invention Reaffirmed, C Knick Harley
Taking Money Seriously, David Laidler
Tax Incidence in a Hierarchical Model, Kul B. Bhatia
The Kannai, Closed-Convergence, and Questionnaire Topologies on Some Spaces of Economic Preferences, James Redekop
Submissions from 1987
An Experimental Evaluation of Weakest-Link/Best-Shot Models of Public Goods, Glenn W. Harrison and Jack Hirshleifer
A Nonparametric Test for Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH): A Markov Chain Approach, Allan W. Gregory
Don't Rock the Boat: Regulatory Economics Under Multiple Objectives, H D. Vinod
Endogenous Price Fluctuations on Incomplete Markets, Hans Wiesmeth
Estimation of Reduced Forms of Rational Expectation Models and Volcker Deflation, H D. Vinod
International Policy Games in a Simple Macroeconomic Model with Incomplete Information: Some Problems of Credibility, Secrecy and Cooperation, Keith Blackburn
Maximum Likelihood Fuzzy Range for Errors in Variables Model, H D. Vinod
Risk Attitudes in Private Value Auction Experiments, Glenn W. Harrison
Search Intensity in Experiments, Glenn W. Harrison and Peter Morgan
Social Security, Longevity, and Moral Hazard, Peter Kuhn and James B. Davies
The Austrians and the Stockholm School - Two Failures in the Development of Modern Macroeconomics, David Laidler