Communication Sciences and Disorders Publications
Research in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders includes a wide range of topics in areas such as normal and disordered speech production and perception, language disorders, swallowing, hearing by normally hearing and hearing impaired listeners, and the causes and treatment of hearing loss.
Submissions from 2019
The speech-language pathologist's role in supporting the development of self-regulation: A review and tutorial, Amanda V. Binns, Lynda R. Hutchinson, and Janis Oram Cardy
The Medial Olivocochlear Reflex Is Unlikely to Play a Role in Listening Difficulties in Children, Sriram Boothalingam, Chris Allan, Prudence Allen, and David W. Purcell
Auditory Localization and Spatial Release From Masking in Children With Suspected Auditory Processing Disorder, Sriram Boothalingam, David W. Purcell, Chris Allan, Prudence Allen, and Ewan Macpherson
Barriers to implementing evidence-based assessment procedures: Perspectives from the front lines in pediatric speech-language pathology, Barbara Jane Cunningham, Olivia May Daub, and Janis Oram Cardy
Exploring participation and impairment-based outcomes for Target Word™: A parent-implemented intervention for preschoolers identified as late-to-talk, Barbara Jane Cunningham, Elaine Kwok, Cindy Earle, and Janis Oram Cardy
Establishing consensus among community clinicians on how to categorize and define preschoolers’ speech and language impairments at assessment, Barbara Jane Cunningham, Elaine Kwok, Lyn Turkstra, and Janis Oram Cardy
Validity evidence for the littlEARS early speech production questionnaire: An english-speaking, canadian sample, Olivia Daub, Janis Oram Cardy, Andrew M. Johnson, and Marlene P. Bagatto
A comment on test validation: The importance of the clinical perspective, Olivia Daub, Elizabeth Skarakis-Doyle, Marlene P. Bagatto, Andrew M. Johnson, and Janis Oram Cardy
Investigating potential interactions between envelope following responses elicited simultaneously by different vowel formants, Vijayalakshmi Easwar, Susan Scollie, and David Purcell
An evaluation of the Sennheiser HDA 280-CL circumaural headphone for use in audiometric testing, Paula Folkeard, Marianne Hawkins, Susan Scollie, Bilal Sheikh, and Vijay Parsa
Sound quality effects of an adaptive nonlinear frequency compression processor with normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, Danielle Glista, Marianne Hawkins, Jonathan M. Vaisberg, Nazanin Pourmand, Vijay Parsa, and Susan Scollie
Face and content validity of a probe tube placement training simulator, Robert W. Koch, Sheila Moodie, Paula Folkeard, Susan Scollie, Conner Janeteas, Sumit K. Agrawal, and Hanif M. Ladak
Dynamics of spontaneous alpha activity correlate with language ability in young children, Elaine Y.L. Kwok, Janis Oram Cardy, Brian L. Allman, Prudence Allen, and Björn Herrmann
Effects of bimodal and bilateral cochlear implant use on a nonauditory working memory task: Reading span tests over 2 years following cochlear implantation, Ewan A. Macpherson, Ioan A. Curca, Susan Scollie, Vijay Parsa, Katherine Vansevenant, Kim Zimmerman, Jamie Lewis-Teeter, Prudence Allen, Lorne Parnes, and Sumit Agrawal
Objective and subjective assessment of envelope enhancement algorithms for assistive hearing devices, Farid Moshgelani, Vijay Parsa, Chris Allan, Sangamanatha Ankmnal Veeranna, and Prudence Allen
Risk factors for hearing loss in children: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis protocol, Bénédicte Vos, Dorie Noll, Marie Pigeon, Marlene Bagatto, and Elizabeth M. Fitzpatrick
Submissions from 2018
Test-Retest Variability in the Characteristics of Envelope following Responses Evoked by Speech Stimuli, Vijayalakshmi Easwar, Susan Scollie, Steven Aiken, and David Purcell
The Use of Frequency Lowering Technology in the Treatment of Severe-to-Profound Hearing Loss: A Review of the Literature and Candidacy Considerations for Clinical Application, Danielle Glista and Susan Scollie
Semantic context improves speech intelligibility and reduces listening effort for listeners with hearing impairment, Emma Holmes, Paula Folkeard, Ingrid S. Johnsrude, and Susan Scollie
Immature auditory evoked potentials in children with moderate–severe developmental language disorder, Elaine Y.L. Kwok, Marc F. Joanisse, Lisa M.D. Archibald, and Janis Oram Cardy
Maturation in auditory event-related potentials explains variation in language ability in children, Elaine Y.L. Kwok, Marc F. Joanisse, Lisa M.D. Archibald, Margot E. Stothers, Heather M. Brown, and Janis Oram Cardy
Evaluation of the repeatability and accuracy of the wideband real-ear-to-coupler difference, Jonathan M. Vaisberg, Paula Folkeard, John Pumford, Philipp Narten, and Susan Scollie
Submissions from 2017
Working Memory and Language Learning: A Review, Lisa Archibald and Lisa Archibald
Phase 2 of CATALISE: a multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study of problems with language development: Terminology, Dorothy V.M. Bishop, Margaret J. Snowling, Paul A. Thompson, and Trisha Greenhalgh
Language outcomes in children who are deaf and hard of hearing: The role of language ability before hearing aid intervention, Olivia Daub, Marlene P. Bagatto, Andrew M. Johnson, and Janis Oram Cardy