Communication Sciences and Disorders Publications
Research in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders includes a wide range of topics in areas such as normal and disordered speech production and perception, language disorders, swallowing, hearing by normally hearing and hearing impaired listeners, and the causes and treatment of hearing loss.
Submissions from 2021
Perceived Sound Quality Dimensions Influencing Frequency-Gain Shaping Preferences for Hearing Aid-Amplified Speech and Music, Jonathan M. Vaisberg, Steve Beaulac, Danielle Glista, Ewan A. Macpherson, and Susan D. Scollie
Comparison of machine learning models to classify Auditory Brainstem Responses recorded from children with Auditory Processing Disorder, Hasitha Wimalarathna, Sangamanatha Ankmnal-Veeranna, Chris Allan, Sumit K. Agrawal, Prudence Allen, Jagath Samarabandu, and Hanif M. Ladak
Submissions from 2020
Audiological considerations for managing mild bilateral or unilateral hearing loss in infants and young children, Marlene Bagatto
Status of early hearing detection and intervention programs in Canada: Results from a country-wide survey, Marlene Bagatto, Sheila Moodie, Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Chantal Kealey, Bill Campbell, and Steve Aiken
Analysis of the quality of online resources for parents of children who are late to talk, Caitlin Coughler, Shauna M Burke, and Janis Oram Cardy
Using implementation science to engage stakeholders and improve outcome measurement in a preschool speech-language service system, Barbara Jane Cunningham and Janis Oram Cardy
Audiological outcome measures with the BONEBRIDGE transcutaneous bone conduction hearing implant: impact of noise, reverberation and signal processing features, Ioan A. Curca, Vijay Parsa, Ewan A. Macpherson, Susan Scollie, Katherine Vansevenant, Kim Zimmerman, Jamie Lewis-Teeter, Prudence Allen, Lorne Parnes, and Sumit Agrawal
The accuracy of envelope following responses in predicting speech audibility, Vijayalakshmi Easwar, Jen Birstler, Adrienne Harrison, Susan Scollie, and David Purcell
Evaluation of hearing aid manufacturers' software-derived fittings to DSL v5.0 pediatric targets, Paula Folkeard, Marlene Bagatto, and Susan Scollie
An examination of clinical uptake factors for remote hearing aid support: a concept mapping study with audiologists, Danielle Glista, Robin O’Hagan, Sheila Moodie, and Susan Scollie
The use of ecological momentary assessment to evaluate real-world aided outcomes with children, Danielle Glista, Robin O’Hagan, Maaike Van Eeckhoutte, Yuanhao Lai, and Susan Scollie
Fitting bone conduction hearing devices to children: audiological practices and challenges, Dave Gordey and Marlene Bagatto
Skill transference of a probe-tube placement training simulator, Robert W. Koch, Hasan Saleh, Paula Folkeard, Sheila Moodie, Conner Janeteas, Sumit K. Agrawal, Hanif M. Ladak, and Susan Scollie
Effectiveness of a parent-implemented language intervention for late-to-talk children: a real-world retrospective clinical chart review, Elaine Y.L. Kwok, Barbara Jane Cunningham, and Janis Oram Cardy
Selecting and tailoring implementation interventions: A concept mapping approach, Elaine Yuen Ling Kwok, Sheila T.F. Moodie, Barbara Jane Cunningham, and Janis E. Oram Cardy
Perceptual and Objective Assessment of Envelope Enhancement for Children with Auditory Processing Disorder, Farid Moshgelani, Vijay Parsa, Chris Allan, Sangamanatha A. Veeranna, and Prudence Allen
Adaptation of the connected speech test: Rerecording and passage equivalency, Hasan K. Saleh, Paula Folkeard, Ewan Macpherson, and Susan Scollie
Lessons learned in practice-based research: Studying language interventions for young children in the real world, Rachael E. Smyth, Julie Theurer, Lisa M.D. Archibald, and Janis Oram Cardy
Speech recognition, loudness, and preference with extended bandwidth hearing aids for adult hearing aid users, Maaike Van Eeckhoutte, Paula Folkeard, Danielle Glista, and Susan Scollie
Perceptual benefits of extended bandwidth hearing aids with children: A within-subject design using clinically available hearing aids, Maaike Van Eeckhoutte, Susan Scollie, Robin O’hagan, and Danielle Glista
Relationship of Head Circumference and Age in the Prediction of the Real-Ear-to-Coupler Difference (RECD), Kelli M. Watts, Marlene Bagatto, Sandra Clark-Lewis, Samantha Henderson, Susan Scollie, and Judith Blumsack
Submissions from 2019
Auditory brainstem responses in children with auditory processing disorder, Sangamanatha Ankmnal-Veeranna, Chris Allan, and Prudence Allen
Spectral ripple discrimination in children with auditory processing disorder, Sangamanatha Ankmnal Veeranna, Chris Allan, Ewan Macpherson, and Prudence Allen
The consistency and cognitive predictors of children's oral language, reading, and math learning profiles, Lisa M.D. Archibald, Janis Oram Cardy, Daniel Ansari, Thomas Olino, and Marc F. Joanisse
Consensus practice parameter: audiological assessment and management of unilateral hearing loss in children, Marlene Bagatto, Janet DesGeorges, Alison King, Padraig Kitterick, Diana Laurnagaray, Dawna Lewis, Patricia Roush, Douglas P. Sladen, and Anne Marie Tharpe