Physics and Astronomy Publications
The research in Physics and Astronomy encompasses studies from the grand scale of planetary formation the slightest shifts in atmospheric pressure. Areas of study include star formation, astronomic theory, theoretical and experimental nanotechnology and medical physics.
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Submissions from 2023
GALFIT-ing AGN Host Galaxies in COSMOS: HST versus Subaru, Callum Dewsnap, Pauline Barmby, Sarah C. Gallagher, C. Megan Urry, Aritra Ghosh, and Meredith C. Powell
Solar Cells, Lambert W and the LogWright Functions, Prabhat Lankireddy, Sibibalan Jeevanandam, Aditya Chaudhary, P. C. Deshmukh, Ken Roberts, and S. R. Valluri
The COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy for robotic missions to Mars: A review of current scientific knowledge and future perspectives, Karen Olsson-Francis, Peter T. Doran, Vyacheslav Ilyin, Francois Raulin, Petra Rettberg, Gerhard Kminek, María Paz Zorzano Mier, Athena Coustenis, Niklas Hedman, Omar Al Shehhi, Eleonora Ammannito, James Bernardini, Masaki Fujimoto, Olivier Grasset, Frank Groen, Alex Hayes, Sarah C. Gallagher, Praveen Kumar K, Christian Mustin, Akiko Nakamura, Elaine Seasly, Yohey Suzuki, Jing Peng, Olga Prieto-Ballesteros, Silvio Sinibaldi, Kanyan Xu, and Maxim Zaitsev
Modelling of COVID-19 Using Fractional Differential Equations, Rishi Patel, P. Sainani, M. Brar, R. Patel, X. Li, J. Drozd, F. A. Chishtie, A. Benterki, T. C. Scott, and S. R. Valluri
The Role of r-Modes in Pulsar Spindown, Pulsar Timing and Gravitational Waves, Varenya Upadhyaya, Xiyuan Li, Xiyang Zhang, and S. R. Valluri
Submissions from 2022
Hourglass magnetic field from a survey of current density profiles, Gianfranco Bino, Shantanu Basu, Mahmoud Sharkawi, and Indrani Das
The Physical Properties of Low-redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. III. The Location and Geometry of the Outflows, Hyunseop Choi, Karen M. Leighly, Collin Dabbieri, Donald M. Terndrup, Sarah C. Gallagher, and Gordon T. Richards
The Physical Properties of Low-redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. I. Spectral-synthesis Analysis of the Broad Absorption-line (BAL) Outflows Using SimBAL, Hyunseop Choi, Karen M. Leighly, Donald M. Terndrup, Collin Dabbieri, Sarah C. Gallagher, and Gordon T. Richards
Complex energies and the Lambert W function, A Das, B.G. Sidharth, K. Roberts, and Sree Ram Valluri
Extremely Broad Ly α Line Emission from the Molecular Intragroup Medium in Stephan's Quintet: Evidence for a Turbulent Cascade in a Highly Clumpy Multiphase Medium?, P. Guillard, P. N. Appleton, F. Boulanger, J. M. Shull, M. D. Lehnert, G. Pineau Des Forets, E. Falgarone, M. E. Cluver, C. K. Xu, Sarah C. Gallagher, and P. A. Duc
A Mathematical Model of COVID-19 Transmission, R. Jayatilaka, R. Patel, M. Brar, Y. Tang, N.M. Jisrawi, Farrukh Chishtie, J. Drozd, and Sree Ram Valluri
The Physical Properties of Low-redshift FeLoBAL Quasars. II. the Rest-frame Optical Emission Line Properties, Karen M. Leighly, Hyunseop Choi, Cora Defrancesco, Julianna Voelker, Donald M. Terndrup, Sarah C. Gallagher, and Gordon T. Richards
Exploring Changes in Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions across C iv Parameter Space, Angelica B. Rivera, Gordon T. Richards, Sarah C. Gallagher, Trevor V. McCaffrey, Amy L. Rankine, Paul C. Hewett, and Ohad Shemmer
NuSTAR Observations of Intrinsically X-Ray Weak Quasar Candidates: An Obscuration-only Scenario, Chaojun Wang, B. Luo, W. N. Brandt, D. M. Alexander, F. E. Bauer, Sarah C. Gallagher, Jian Huang, Hezhen Liu, and D. Stern
Submissions from 2021
Distances to Galactic X-ray binaries with Gaia DR2, R. M. Arnason, H. Papei, P. Barmby, A. Bahramian, and M. D. Gorski
Fitting an Analytic Magnetic Field to a Prestellar Core, Gianfranco Bino and Shantanu Basu
Effect of mass-loss due to stellar winds on the formation of supermassive black hole seeds in dense nuclear star clusters, Arpan Das, Dominik R.G. Schleicher, Shantanu Basu, and Tjarda C.N. Boekholt
Linear Stability Analysis of a Magnetic Rotating Disk with Ohmic Dissipation and Ambipolar Diffusion, Indrani Das and Shantanu Basu
Variation of the core lifetime and fragmentation scale in molecular clouds as an indication of ambipolar diffusion, Indrani Das, Shantanu Basu, and Philippe André
Supermassive Star Formation in Magnetized Atomic-cooling Gas Clouds: Enhanced Accretion, Intermittent Fragmentation, and Continuous Mergers, Shingo Hirano, Masahiro N. Machida, and Shantanu Basu
Gibbs point process model for young star clusters in M33, Dayi Li and Pauline Barmby
On the Observational Difference between the Accretion Disk-Corona Connections among Super- And Sub-Eddington Accreting Active Galactic Nuclei, Hezhen Liu, B. Luo, W. N. Brandt, Michael S. Brotherton, Sarah C. Gallagher, Q. Ni, Ohad Shemmer, and J. D. Timlin
Placing high-redshift quasars in perspective: A catalog of spectroscopic properties from the gemini near infrared spectrograph-distant quasar survey, Brandon M. Matthews, Ohad Shemmer, Cooper Dix, Michael S. Brotherton, Adam D. Myers, I. Andruchow, W. N. Brandt, Gabriel A. Ferrero, S. C. Gallagher, Richard Green, Paulina Lira, Richard M. Plotkin, Gordon T. Richards, Jessie C. Runnoe, Donald P. Schneider, Yue Shen, Michael A. Strauss, and Beverley J. Wills
Magnetic Properties of Star-forming Dense Cores, Philip C. Myers and Shantanu Basu
The X-rays wind connection in PG 2112+059, C. Saez, W. N. Brandt, F. E. Bauer, G. Chartas, T. Misawa, F. Hamann, and Sarah C. Gallagher