Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Educational Technology Adoption, Faculty’s Technology Resistance, Adaptive Leadership, Distributed Leadership. Neoliberalism and Education, Instructional Technology Effectiveness.


The purpose of this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) is to assist higher education leaders in dealing with challenges related to faculty’s technology adoption and improve educational technology practices in teaching. This OIP investigates the current problem of practice (PoP) at Hall University which is based on the concerns related to faculty’s resistance towards using technology in teaching and in attending the existing educational technology training. This OIP has been analyzed through the lens of neoliberalism theory and its influence on higher education in terms of corporatization of education. This theory provides a holistic understanding of the complex nature of higher education practices and culture. Reinforced by the principles of collaborative and malleable behaviors, adaptive and distributed leadership approaches are proposed to influence relevant changes that assist in improving faculty’s technology adoption. The premise of this OIP is to provide opportunities of collaboration for faculty to engage in learning about educational technology tools and approaches. The change implementation and communication plan of the proposed changes is guided by the Kotter Eight Step Model (1996). As for measuring the change outcomes, the PDSA cycle is used to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the change process. Upon implementation, it is predicted that the outcomes of this OIP will improve faculty’s engagement towards educational technology implementations in higher education.
