Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Interfering Behaviours, Trauma Informed, Asset/Strength Based Approach, ACE Factors, Professional Learning



The organization involved in this change process is an elementary school in Ontario. The Problem of Practice (PoP) addresses how to better support students within an inclusive elementary school who may or may not be formally identified with a special education exceptionality yet are unable to thrive due to their interfering behaviours. An exceptional pupil is “one whose behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that he or she is considered to need placement in a special education program” (ON Ministry of Education, PART A: Legislation, Policy, and Funding, para.8). These students are demonstrating behaviours that vary from day to day and in levels of extremity. Some exhibited behaviours include: throwing objects, biting, hitting, kicking, punching, spitting on peers and adults in the building and destroying school property. These behaviours are examples of why students are removed from classrooms and potentially placed on a reduced day. Investigations have revealed that many of these students have experienced trauma in their lives, which may impact their ability to self-regulate and independently cope within the school environment. Currently, there are staff and families that do not have the experience and training to best support these students. The Organization Improvement Plan (OIP) being presented shares the plan to expose staff, students and their families to three resources to prompt awareness and build knowledge on how to become trauma-informed. Recognizing the need to interact and engage fully with students, this plan seeks to integrate alternative strategies that mitigate interfering behaviours and will allow students to participate in more meaningful ways.
