Business Publications
Research at the Ivey School of business looks at finances, sustainability, policy and more. Business Publications examine leaders, students and consumers in fields ranging from medicine to marketing, around the globe.
Submissions from 2019
Product Categories as Judgment Devices: The Moral Awakening of the Investment Industry, Diane-Laure Arjaliès and Rodolphe Durand
Dynamics of Drug Resistance: Optimal Control of an Infectious Disease, Naveed Chehrazi, Lauren E. Cipriano, and Eva A. Enns
Complementarity of Performance Pay and Task Allocation, Bryan Hong, Lorenz Kueng, and Mu-Jeung Yang
CSR-Contingent Executive Compensation Contracts, Atif Ikram, Zhichuan Li, and Dylan Minor
Do Portfolio Manager Contracts Contract Portfolio Management?, Jung Hoon Lee, Charles Trzcinka, and Shayam Venkatesan
The Effect of Corporate Visibility on Corporate Social Responsibility, Zhichuan Li, Taylor Morris, and Brian Young
A Learning Curve of the Market: Chasing Alpha of Socially Responsible Firms, Zhichuan Li, Jun Wang, Dylan Minor, and Chongyu Dang
Submissions from 2018
Beyond Numbers: How investment managers accommodate societal issues in financial decisions, Diane-Laure Arjaliès and Pratima Bansal
Do Underwriters Price-Up IPOs to Prevent Withdrawal?, Walid Y. Busaba, Zheng Liu, and Felipe Restrepo
Portfolio Turnover Activity and Mutual Fund Performance, Claudia Champagne, Aymen Karoui, and Saurin Patel
Real Options and Endogenous Investment Costs: Evidence from Oil Rig Rates, Zeigham Khokher, Mohammad Morovati, Sheridan Titman, and Shyam Venkatesan
Revisiting M&M with Taxes: An Alternative Equilibrating Process, Kenneth J. Kopecky, Zhichuan (Frank) Li, Timothy F. Sugrue, and Alan L. Tucker
Overconfidence in Money Management: Balancing the Benefits and Costs, Jung Hoon Lee and Shyam Venkatesan
Risk-Adjusted Inside Debt, Frank Li, Shannon Lin, Shuna Lin, and Alan Tucker
Industry Tournament Incentives, Zhichuan Li
Measuring Firm Size in Empirical Corporate Finance, Zhichuan Li, Chongyu Dang, and Chen Yang
Revisiting M&M with Taxes: An Alternative Equilibrating Process, Zhichuan Li, Kenneth J. Kopecky, Timothy F. Sugrue, and Alan Tucker
Risk-Adjusted Inside Debt, Zhichuan Li, Shannon Lin, Shuna Sun, and Alan Tucker
Portfolio Pumping and Managerial Structure, Saurin Patel and Sergei Sarkissian
Funding Liquidity Without Banks: Evidence from a Shock to the Cost of Very Short-Term Debt, Felipe Restrepo, Lina Cardona-Sosa, and Philip E. Strahan
Private Firms’ Incentives to Manage Earnings: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment, Felipe Restrepo and Jérôme P. Taillard
Carbon Taxes and Cattle: Evidence from Canadian Feedlots, Brandon Schaufele
Signal Incongruence and Its Consequences: A Study of Media Disapproval and CEO Overcompensation, JP Vergne, Georg Wernicke, and Steffen Brenner
Submissions from 2017
A Mechanism for LIBOR, Brian Coulter, Joel Shapiro, and Peter Zimmerman
Corporate Governance and the Rise of Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility Criteria in Exacutive Compensation: Effectiveness and Implications for Firm Outcomes, Caroline Flammer, Bryan Hong, and Dylan Minor