Business Publications
Research at the Ivey School of business looks at finances, sustainability, policy and more. Business Publications examine leaders, students and consumers in fields ranging from medicine to marketing, around the globe.
Submissions from 2024
Managerial Structure and Performance-Induced Trading, Anastassia Fedyk, Saurin Patel, and Sergei Sarkissian
100% Great Lake Fish: Ontario Supply Chain Analysis. Commissioned by the Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers., Eric Molnar, Paul van der Verf, Jury Gualandris, and Conference of Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Governors and Premiers
Submissions from 2023
Blockchain, Cryptos and NFTs in the gaming industry: A tale of two worlds, Harsheen Anand, Lakshay Kumar, and Diane-Laure Arjalies
The Role of Accounting in Conservation Impact Bonds: The Case of Carolinian Canada, Western University, London, Canada, Julie Bernard, Bhavya Vora, and Diane-Laure Arjalies
Towards a Climate-Smart Food System: A Theory of Change and Impact Metrics to Trigger Farming and Societal Change: Preliminary Report, Jean-Francois Obregon, Sergio Lazzarini, Diane-Laure Arjalies, Judy Gualandris, Guanjie Huang, Ellen Kempton, Rubaina Singla, Yashika Sharma, and Jimmy Wang
Advancing Regenerative Agriculture in Canada: Barriers, Enablers, and Suggestions, J.F. Obregon, M. Aguanno, M. Brooking, and Diane-Laure Arjaliès
International Business is Contributing to Environmental Crises, Haitao Yu Dr, Pratima (Tima) Bansal Dr., and Diane-Laure Arjaliès
Submissions from 2022
The Motivations and Practices of Impact Assessment in Socially Responsible Investing: The French Case and its Implications for the Accounting and Impact Investing Communities, Diane-Laure Arjalies, Pierre Chollet, Patricia Crifo, and Nicolas Mottis
Can financialization save nature? The case of endangered species, Diane-Laure Arjalies and Delphine Gibassier
Prison break from financialization: The case of the PRI Reporting and Assessment Framework, Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Daniela Laurel, and Nicolas Mottis
The Choice of Peers for Relative Performance Evaluation in Executive Compensation, Zhichuan Li, John Bizjak, Swaminathan Kalpathy, and Brian Young
Submissions from 2021
Opening accounting: a Manifesto, Chandana Alawattage, Diane-Laure Arjalies, Mereana Barrett, Julie Bernard, Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova, Charles H. Cho, Christine Cooper, Mercy Denedo, Caecilia Drujon D’Astros, Russell Evans, Amanze Ejiogu, Lex Frieden, Alessandro Ghio, Nicholas McGuigan, Yi Luo, Erica Pimentel, Lisa Powell, Paula Andrea Navarro Pérez, Paolo Quattrone, Andrea M. Romi, Stewart Smyth, Joanne Sopt, and Matthew Sorola
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT IN CANADA, Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Julie Bernard, and Bhanu Putumbaka
The Effect of Advice Valence on the Perceived Credibility of Data Analytics, Clara Xiaoling Chen, Ryan M. Hudgins, and William F. Wright
Analyst Talent, Information, and Investment Strategies, Zhichuan Li, Stephen R. Foerster, Zhenyang Tang, and Chongyu Dang
Submissions from 2020
"At the very beginning, there's this dream." The role of utopia in the workings of local and cryptocurrencies, Diane-Laure Arjalies
What trees taught me about Covid-19: On relational accounting and other magic, Diane-Laure Arjalies
Corporate Social Responsibility and CEO Risk-Taking Incentives, Zhichuan Li
Managerial Attributes, Incentives, and Performance, Zhichuan Li and Jeffrey L. Coles
Drivers of Research Impact: Evidence from the Top Three Finance Journals, Zhichuan Li and Chongyu Dang
The Role of Mutual Funds in Corporate Social Responsibility, Zhichuan Li, Saurin Patel, and Srikanth Ramani
Innovative IT Use and Innovating with IT: A Study of the Motivational Antecedents of Two Different Types of Innovative Behaviors, Yasser Rahrovani and Alain Pinsonneault
How Do Populist Voters Rate Their Political Leaders? Comparing Citizen Assessments in Three Jurisdictions, Gerald Seijts and Cristine de Clercy
Submissions from 2019
Product categories as judgment devices: The moral awakening of the investment industry, Diane-Laure Arjalies
"At the very beginning, there's this dream." The role of utopia in the workings of local and cryptocurrencies, Diane-Laure Arjaliès