This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Joint Protection Programs for People with Hand Arthritis, Pavlos Bobos
An Exploration of Facial Skin Scarring, Its Impact and Contemporary Evaluation, Michael G. Brandt
Investigating Elementary School Food Programs: Impacts on Child Knowledge and Dietary Behaviours, Paige Colley
Exploring the Effects of the Cycling Without Age Program on Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care, Victoria Cotnam
Examining Brain Connectivity and Reading Ability in Children, Alexandra M. Cross
Issues Related To Framing And Interpretation Of Studies In The Orthopaedic Literature, Shgufta Docter
Auditory- Perceptual and Pupillometric Evaluations of Dysphonic Voices, Mojgan Farahani
Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes: Older Adult Perspectives, User Characteristics and Motivations for Use, Lean Fiedeldey
Assessment of Landing Biomechanics and Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Sheila S. Gagnon
Health-Seeking Behaviour Related to Selected Dimensions of Wellness in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Navjot Gill
Exploring Co-Occupation Between University Students and Older Adults Living Together in a Retirement Home, Rachel J. Gorjup
Applying Knowledge Translation in Rehabilitation: An Exploration of What it Means to Change Clinical Practice, Stacey D. Guy
Cumulative purposeful soccer heading can lead to compensatory changes in brain activity during combined moderate exercise and cognitive load in female youth soccer players, Alexandra Harriss
The NOW Trial: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Personalized, Genetic-Based Lifestyle Advice, Justine Rochelle Horne
Exploring Gender Equity through Occupation: A Critical Decolonizing Ethnography in Tanzania, Stephanie Huff
Evaluating the Implementation of the Centrally Procured School Food Program (CPSFP) in Southwestern Ontario Elementary Schools, Mariam R. Ismail
The Lived Experiences of Formal Caregivers in Communicating with Persons Living with Dementia in Their Own Homes, Pabiththa Kamalraj
Rehabilitation Of Post-Stroke Aphasia In Ghana, Keren Sarpomaa Kankam
Clinical Predictors of Driving Simulator Performance in Drivers with Multiple Sclerosis, Sarah Krasniuk
Communicative participation outcomes of preschool speech-language services: Opportunities, challenges, and solutions, Elaine Yuen Ling Kwok
Advanced Phenotyping of Otosclerosis in an Ontario Population and Two Large Newfoundland Families, Matthew B. Lucas
Comparing Neuromuscular System Function in Healthy and Mobility-Impaired Older Females, Neal B. McKinnon
Population-based Studies on Medications and Fall-related Injury in Older Adults, Yu Ming
Spiritual and Psychosocial Palliative Care in a Rural Ontario Town: An Exploratory Study of Patient Needs and Provider Experiences, Erynn M. Monette
Evidence Synthesis of Shoulder Pain Among Canadian Firefighters, Goris Nazari
An Exploration of Audiologists' Readiness to Adopt Connected Hearing Healthcare for Remote Hearing Aid Fitting, Luisa Natalia Perez Velez
The Practice of Local Policymaking: Understanding Decision Maker Roles and Agency in Local Implementation Contexts, Katherine L. Salter
Kindness as an Intervention for Student Social Interaction Anxiety, Resilience, Affect, and Mood: The KISS of Kindness Study II, Katie J. Shillington
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Clinical and Societal Perspectives, Marudan Sivagurunathan
Reducing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in older adult long term care home residents with virtual reality therapy, Munira Sultana
Implementation Adherence and Perspectives of the PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy Study: A Process Evaluation, Monika B. Szpunar
The experiences of female adolescents who have sustained a concussion through sport participation: A consideration of an occupational perspective during recovery, Annalise Michelle Tichenoff
Environmental Changes Following the Implementation of the Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy, Victoria Tran
Assessment of Intrinsic Hand Neuromuscular Physiology, Philemon Tsang
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Behavioural and Objective Assessment of Binaural Hearing in Adult Listeners with Acquired Unilateral Conductive Hearing Loss Before and After Middle Ear Surgery, Parvaneh Abbasalipour
The Role of Auditory Feedback for Speech Intensity Regulation in Parkinson’s Disease, Dona Abeyesekera
Multi-frequency Electrophysiological Estimates of Auditory Temporal Acuity, Negar Ahzan
Feasibility and Reliability of a Commercially Available Stretch-Sensitive Sensor for Neck Movement, Iyad Al-Nasri
Postural Control in Response to Unilateral and Bilateral External Standing Perturbations in Young and Older Adults, Dominique Arsenault
The nature and consistency of exercise reporting in rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair, Dinesh Balachandran
Enacting Occupation-Based Transformative Research through Participatory Filmmaking with Children with Disabilities, Tanya Elizabeth Benjamin
Using the RE-AIM Framework to Evaluate the Feasibility of a Parent-Focused Pilot Intervention Targeting Childhood Obesity, Daniel Briatico
Informal Caregivers’ of Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Experiences of Social Inclusion Policy in the Province of Ontario, Heather L.M. Church
The development and evaluation of resources to improve the quality of care for patients with knee osteoarthritis, Laura K. Churchill
Cannabis Legalization and Driving: Exploring Young Ontarians’ Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes, Robert Colonna
An Experimental Evaluation of Stop-Plosive and Fricative Consonant Intelligibility by Tracheoesophageal Speakers in Quiet and Noise, Sebastiano Failla
Measuring Quality of Life in patients with Rotator Cuff Disorders, Rochelle Furtado
Prevalence of moral injury in Canadian Forces members deployed to Afghanistan, Kevin T. Hansen
Self-Management as a means to Achieving Client-Centred Care for the Care Partnership Living with Parkinson’s disease, Danielle M. Hudson
Retirement residence living: stories of older adult residents, Alexandra Jackson
Services, Systems and Policies Shaping Community Mobility for People with Mobility Impairments: A Case Study from Northern Iceland, Sigrun Kristin Jonasdottir
Psychometric Properties of the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form and Revised Short McGill Pain Questionnaire Version-2 in Musculoskeletal Conditions, Samuel Ugochukwu Jumbo
Systematic overview of reviews of instruments that evaluate teamwork in healthcare, Hosung Kang
Changes in speech intelligibility and acoustic distinctiveness along a speech rate continuum in Parkinson’s disease, Thea Knowles
Amplitude Modulation Perception in Children with Auditory Processing Disorder, Winnie Ly
A Study of Multiple Predictors of Cognitive Fatigue in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, Leila M. Mackay
Exploring the Temporal Variability of Speech Intensity, Speech Intelligibility, and Communicative Participation in Individuals with Hypophonia and Parkinson’s Disease, Cynthia Mancinelli
The Creation and Application of a Validated Tool to Measure the Impact of Mobile Standing Desks on Undergraduate Students' Sedentary Time, Marc S. Moulin
The Stranger in Contemporary Practice: A Critical Autoethnography, Michelle Pajot
Optimizing Gait Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease with Auditory Cues: The Effects of Synchronization, Groove, and Beat Perception Ability, Emily A. Ready
Parents as Agents of Change in the Treatment of Childhood Obesity and the Promotion of Children's Health Behaviours, Kristen C. Reilly
Evaluation of the Psychometric and Measurement Properties of the SCAT5 and Child SCAT5, Michael Robinson
Quantifying the Outcomes of a Virtual Reality (VR)-Based Gamified Neck Rehabilitation, Shahan Salim
Impact of diagnostic terminology on parental attitudes toward concussion and brain injury, Naomi Sanderson
Examining Recent Older Immigrants’ Lives in their Communities and their Experiences Contributing to Canadian Society, Alexandra Schuster
"It's not that I have Parkinson's, I am Parkinson's": The management and negotiation of identity in older adults with Parkinson's disease, Elena Sheldrake
Understanding hearing aid sound quality for music-listening, Jonathan Matthew Vaisberg
Reliability and Validity of Two Performance-Based Outcome Measures in Rehabilitation Following Total Knee Arthroplasty, Jennifer L. Van Bussel
Recovery Following Proximal Humerus Fracture, Azar Varahrami Vigeh
Exploring Current Topics and Trends in Anatomy Education: A Scoping Review, Alex Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Impact of Beauty, Body Image, and Health Discourses on Eating Disorder Risk in South Asian-Canadian Women, Nazia Bhatti
Exploring the Physical Activity and Screen Viewing-Related Knowledge, Training, and Self-Efficacy of Early Childhood Education Candidates, Brianne Bruijns
Examining the Relationship between Body Mass Index and Health-Related Quality of Life Perception among People with Mental Illness, Fatima Bukair
Active and Safe Routes to School: Evaluating School Travel Planning to Support Children's Active Travel, Adrian Nicholas Buttazzoni
Receiving in-home respite when caring for a palliative family member at the end-of-life: family caregivers’ experiences of the eShift model of care, Ann Marie Corrado
Cognitive Impairment and the Mediterranean Diet: a Canadian Perspective, Ivan Culum
Measurement and Protection of Lung Health in Poultry Farmers of Southwestern Ontario, Rose-Marie Doyon Dolinar
iPad use to Enhance Conversations between Persons with Dementia and their Family Caregivers, Kelsey Dynes
The Lived Experiences of Home Care Nurses Providing Palliative Care Information to Community-Dwelling Older Adults with a Terminal Illness, Katharine Fuchigami
Lived Experience and Process of Engagement in Physical Exercise for Older Adults with Chronic Back Pain, Melissa E. Hay
Application Of The McKenzie System Of Mechanical Diagnosis And Therapy In Patients With Shoulder Disorders, Afshin Heidar Abady
Assessing the risk of falling in adults one-year after total hip arthroplasty, William Janes
Validity and Reliability of the Clinician Rated Drop Vertical Jump Scale in Patients Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction, Morgan Jennings
Impact of Feeding Tube Status on Health Outcomes for Individuals with Oropharyngeal Cancer, Nedeljko Jovanovic
An Environmental Scan of Settlement Services for the Integration of Refugee Youth in Southwestern Ontario, Aparna Karky
The Work of Self-Managing Attendant Services: A Reflexive Ethnographic Study, Erika Katzman
An Analysis of the Relationship between Humor Styles and Depression, Marisa L. Kfrerer