Centre for Human Capital and Productivity. CHCP Working Papers
The Centre for Human Capital and Productivity (CHCP), formerly the CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity, has a broad mandate to study and provide policy advice on issues related to human capital and productivity. In addition to publishing a working paper series, the CHCP sponsors conferences, seminars, and workshops on human capital and productivity. Papers issued before 2016 were published as "CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity Working Papers."
Submissions from 2012
2012-3 Competition in Public School Districts: Charter School Entry, Student Sorting, and School Input Determination, Nirav Mehta
2012-4 Heterogeneity and Long-Run Changes in U.S. Hours and the Labor Wedge, Simona E. Cociuba and Alexander Ueberfeldt
2012-5 Early and Late Human Capital Investments, Borrowing Constraints, and the Family, Elizabeth M. Caucutt and Lance J. Lochner
Submissions from 2011
2011-01 Math or Science? Using Longitudinal Expectations Data to Examine the Process of Choosing a College Major, Todd R. Stinebrickner and Ralph Stinebrickner
2011-02 Estimating and Testing Non-Linear Models Using Instrumental Variables, Lance J. Lochner and Enrico Moretti
2011-03 The Impact of Family Income on Child Achievement: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit, Gordon B. Dahl and Lance J. Lochner
2011-04 Effective Tax and Subsidy Rates on Human Capital in Canada, John B. Burbidge, Kirk A. Collins, James B. Davies, and Lonnie Magee
2011-05 Occupational Mobility, Occupation Distance and Specific Human Capital, Chris Robinson
2011-06 An International Comparison of Lifetime Inequality: How Continental Europe Resembles North America, Audra J. Bowlus and Jean-Marc Robin
2011-07 How the Timing of Grade Retention Affects Outcomes: Identification and Estimation of Time-Varying Treatment Effects, Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, Salvador Navarro, and Yuya Takahaski
2011-09 On the Identification of Production Functions: How Heterogeneous is Productivity?, Amit Gandhi, Salvador Navarro, and David A. Rivers
2011-10 Overview: Income Inequality and Poverty in China, 2002-2007, Shi Li, Chuliang Luo, and Terry Sicular
2011-11 Changes in Consumption Inequality in China, Jing Liu and Shi Li
2011-12 Housing Ownership, Incomes, and Inequality in China, 2002-2007, Hiroshi Sato, Terry Sicular, and Ximing Yue
2011-13 Educational Inequality in China: The Intergenerational Dimension, John Knight, Terry Sicular, and Ximing Yue
2011-14 Inequality and Poverty in Rural China, Chuliang Luo and Terry Sicular
2011-15 The Evolution of the Migrant Labor Market in China, 2002-2007, John Knight, Quheng Deng, and Shi Li
2011-16 A New Episode of Increased Urban Income Inequality in China, Quheng Deng and Björn Gustafsson
2011-17 Unemployment and the Rising Number of Non-Workers in Urban China: Causes and Distributional Consequences, Björn Gustafsson and Sai Ding
2011-18 Do Employees in the Public Sector Still Enjoy Earnings Advantages?, Juan Yang, Sylvie Démurger, and Shi Li
2011-19 Redistributive Impacts of Personal Income Tax in Urban China, Jing Xu and Ximing Yue
2011-20 Changes in the Gender Wage Gap in Urban China, 1995-2007, Shi Li and Jin Song
2011-21 Inter-temporal Changes in Ethnic Urban Earnings Disparities in China, Sai Ding, Shi Li, and Samuel L. Myers
Submissions from 2010
2010-1 The Nature of Credit Constraints and Human Capital, Lance J. Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo