Centre for Human Capital and Productivity. CHCP Working Papers
The Centre for Human Capital and Productivity (CHCP), formerly the CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity, has a broad mandate to study and provide policy advice on issues related to human capital and productivity. In addition to publishing a working paper series, the CHCP sponsors conferences, seminars, and workshops on human capital and productivity. Papers issued before 2016 were published as "CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity Working Papers."
Submissions from 2017
2017-27 How Heterogeneous is Productivity? A Comparison of Gross Output and Value Added, Amit Gandhi, Salvador Navarro, and David Rivers
Submissions from 2016
2016-1 Ageing and the Skill Portfolio: Evidence from Job Based Skill Measures, Audra J. Bowlus, Hiroaki Mori, and Chris Robinson
2016-2 Occupational Choice, Human Capital, and Financial Constraints, Rui Castro and Pavel Ševčík
2016-3 The Effect of Education and School Quality on Female Crime, Javier Cano-Urbina and Lance Lochner
2016-4 Demand and Supply Effects and Returns to College Education - Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Engineers in Denmark, Hans-Peter Y. Qvist, Anders Holm, and Martin D. Munk
Submissions from 2015
2015-1 Separating State Dependence, Experience, and Heterogeneity in a Model of Youth Crime and Education, Maria Antonella Mancino, Salvador Navarro, and David A. Rivers
2015-2 The Returns to Schooling in Rural China: Evidence from the Cultural Revolution Education Expansion, Terry Sicular and Juan Yang
2015-3 Correlation, Consumption, Confusion, or Constraints: Why Do Poor Children Perform So Poorly?, Elizabeth M. Caucutt, Lance J. Lochner, and Youngmin Park
2015-4 Social Interactions, Mechanisms, and Equilibrium: Evidence from a Model of Study Time and Academic Achievement, Tim Conley, Nirav Mehta, Ralph Stinebrickner, and Todd R. Stinebrickner
2015-5 Explaining the Evolution of Educational Attainment in the U.S., Rui Castro and Daniele Coen-Pirani
2015-6 An Economic Approach to Generalizing Findings from Regression-Discontinuity Designs, Nirav Mehta
Submissions from 2014
2014-1 Default and Repayment among Baccalaureate Degree Earners, Lance J. Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo
2014-2 Understanding Earnings Dynamics: Identifying and Estimating the Changing Roles of Unobserved Ability, Permanent and Transitory Shocks, Lance J. Lochner and Youngki Shin
2014-3 Targeting the Wrong Teachers: Estimating Teacher Quality for Use in Accountability Regimes, Nirav Mehta
2014-4 Model Uncertainty and the Effect of Shall-Issue Right-to-Carry Laws on Crime, Steven N. Durlauf, Salvador Navarro, and David A. Rivers
2014-5 Student Loans and Repayment: Theory, Evidence and Policy, Lance J. Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo
Submissions from 2013
2013-1 The Changing Determinants of High School Attainment in Rural China, Juan Yang, Terry Sicular, and Desheng Lai
2013-2 Are Exporters More Productive than Non-Exporters?, David A. Rivers
2013-3 Analysis of the CSLP Student Loan Defaulter Survey and Client Satisfaction Surveys, Lance J. Lochner, Todd R. Stinebrickner, and Utku Suleymanoglu
2013-4 A Major in Science? Initial Beliefs and Final Outcomes for College Major and Dropout, Ralph Stinebrickner and Todd R. Stinebrickner
2013-5 Academic Performance and College Dropout: Using Longitudinal Expectations Data to Estimate a Learning Model, Ralph Stinebrickner and Todd R. Stinebrickner
2013-6 Immigrant Job Search Assimilation in Canada, Audra J. Bowlus, Masashi Miyairi, and Chris Robinson
2013-7 The Importance of Financial Resources for Student Loan Repayment, Lance J. Lochner, Todd R. Stinebrickner, and Utku Suleymanoglu
Submissions from 2012
2012-1 Credit Constraints in Education, Lance J. Lochner and Alexander Monge-Naranjo
2012-2 The Contributions of Search and Human Capital to Earnings Growth over the Life Cycle, Audra J. Bowlus and Huju Liu