Centre for Human Capital and Productivity. CHCP Working Papers


The Centre for Human Capital and Productivity (CHCP), formerly the CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity, has a broad mandate to study and provide policy advice on issues related to human capital and productivity. In addition to publishing a working paper series, the CHCP sponsors conferences, seminars, and workshops on human capital and productivity. Papers issued before 2016 were published as "CIBC Centre for Human Capital and Productivity Working Papers."


Submissions from 2017


2017-02 Modeling Enrollment in and Completion of Vocational Education: The Role of Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills by Program Type, Leslie S. Stratton, Nabanita Datta Gupta, David Reimer, and Anders Holm


2017-03 Early and Late Human Capital Investments, Borrowing Constraints, and the Family, Elizabeth M. Caucutt and Lance Lochner


2017-04 Careers and Mismatch for College Graduates: College and Non-college Jobs, Andrew Agopsowicz, Chris Robinson, Ralph Stinebrickner, and Todd Stinebrickner


2017-05 Beauty, Job Tasks, and Wages: A New Conclusion About Employer Taste-Based Discrimination, Todd Stinebrickner, Ralph Stinebrickner, and Paul Sullivan


2017-06 Job Tasks, Time Allocation, and Wages, Ralph Stinebrickner, Todd Stinebrickner, and Paul Sullivan


2017-07 Social Interactions, Mechanisms, and Equilibrium: Evidence from a Model of Study Time and Academic Achievement, Tim Conley, Nirav Mehta, Ralph Stinebrickner, and Todd Stinebrickner


2017-08 The Potential Output Gains from Using Optimal Teacher Incentives: An Illustrative Calibration of a Hidden Action Model, Nirav Mehta


2017-09 Wages and Employment: The Canonical Model Revisited, Audra Bowlus, Eda Bozkurt, and Lance Lochner


2017-10 The Evolution of the Human Capital of Women, Audra Bowlus and Chris Robinson


2017-11 Different Paths? Human Capital Prices, Wages and Inequality in Canada and the US, Audra Bowlus and Chris Robinson


2017-12 Changing Trends in China’s Inequality: Key Issues and Main Findings, Terry Sicular, Shi Li, Ximing Yue, and Hiroshi Sato


2017-13 Overview: Incomes and Inequality in China, 2007-2013, Chuliang Luo, Terry Sicular, and Shi Li


2017-14 China's Emerging Global Middle Class, Bjorn Gustafsson, Terry Sicular, and Xiuna Yang


2017-15 The Increasing Inequality of Wealth in China, 2002-2013, John Knight, Shi Li, and Haiyuan Wan


2017-16 Public Policy and Long-Term Trends in Inequality in Rural China, 1988-2013, Hisatoshi Hoken and Hiroshi Sato


2017-17 New Patterns in China's Rural Poverty, Shi Li, Peng Zhan, and Yangyang Shen


2017-18 Unequal Growth: How Household Incomes and Poverty in Urban China Have Developed since 1988, with an Emphasis on the Period from 2007 to 2013, Bjorn Gustafsson and Sai Ding


2017-19 Consumption Inequality in Urban China, 1995-2013, Qingjie Xia, Shi Li, and Lina Song


2017-20 Income and Poverty Gaps between Han and Ethnic Minorities in Rural China, 2002 and 2013, Xiaomin Liu and Lidan Lu


2017-21 The Redistributive Role of Government Social Security Transfers on Inequality in China, Meng Cai and Ximing Yue


2017-22 Social Policy Reforms and Economic Distances in China, 2002-2013, Qin Gao, Sui Yang, Fuhua Zhai, and Yake Wang


2017-23 China's Urban Gender Wage Gap: A New Direction?, Jin Song, Terry Sicular, and Bjorn Gustafsson


2017-24 The Effects of Minimum Wage on Wage Distribution in Urban China: Evidence from the CHIP Data, Xinxin Ma and Shi Li


2017-25 Measuring Quality for Use in Incentive Schemes: The Case of "Shrinkage" Estimators, Nirav Mehta


2017-26 Wage Dynamics and Returns to Unobserved Skill, Lance Lochner, Youngmin Park, and Youngki Shin