SASAH 4th Year Capstone and Other Projects: Publications

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 4-30-2023


In this paper, I reflect on my experience as a Summer Student Administrator for Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP where I acquired skills such as proficiency in various software and data analysis as well as professional communication, confidence, and organization. I applied these skills daily to produce quality work, and I am still applying these skills to my academic and personal life almost a year later. The culminating experience of the summer was presenting my own data analysis to a group of executives, which helped me improve my presentation skills and foster confidence in my own abilities. In addition to making valuable connections, I became more comfortable with networking. Overall, I was able to acquire both hard and soft skills, as well as improve my confidence and communication abilities, which will be extremely valuable to my career pursuits.


This report was submitted in the student's fourth year of study as part of the final assignment for SASAH's Experiential Learning requirement.
