Psychology Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Psychology, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Dual Processes for Social Rank: A Relational Perspective of Dominance and Prestige, Zhuo Li
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Impact of Passive Second Language Exposure on Word Segmentation and Word Mapping, Amiya S. Aggarwal
Neural Underpinnings of Academic Skills: Cross-Domain and Cross-Generational Influences, Aymee Alvarez Rivero
Narcissistic Status Pursuit: Experimental Evidence of Narcissism-related Differences in Cognitive-behavioural Processes that Regulate Status Attainment, Breanna E. Atkinson Miss
Perceptions of ADHD-Related Behaviours in Trinidad & Tobago and Canada: A Cross-Cultural Study, Ronald V. Auguste
Learning in Minecraft: A New Paradigm for Psychological Research, Bailey N. Brashears
Men Take HEED: Gender Stereotypes as a Barrier to Men’s Involvement in Female - Dominated Occupations, Warda Chaudhry
The Measurement and Profile Analysis of Cognitive Multidimensional Workplace Identification, Trevor Thomas Coppins
Harm Reduction in Psychotherapy, Jillian Cramer
Good vibes are contagious: Exploring within- and between-person predictors of grit in group environments, Rachel K. Edwards
Establishing the Construct Validity of a Developmentally Sensitive Self-Referent Encoding Task, Lindsay Gabel
Mental Health Service Use among Children and Youth with Co-Occurring Health and Mental Health Disorders in Ontario, Grace Golden
Multisensory Integration in ADHD: A Behavioral and EEG Investigation in Youth and Adults, Carolynn Hare
Measuring, Characterizing, and Investigating the Novel Construct of Compassionate Self-Responding in Physical Activity in Women, Katarina Huellemann
Characterizing the Nature and Structure of Child Temperament via Observational Laboratory Tasks, Bianca Iddiols
On Mothers and Measures: The (Re)Production of Mothering Ideologies in Psychological Measures of Motherhood, Ella R. Keogh
What Are You Ruminating About? The Development and Validation of a Content-Dependent Measure of Rumination, Christopher M. Kowalski
MISsed Connections: Developing a Mentorship for Inclusion Scale (MIS), T. Eva Kwan
Ecological Momentary Assessments of Daily Sensory Experiences in Autistic Adults: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Contextual Factors Impacting Sensory Processing, Michelle M. Luszawski
Development and Validation of a Novel Partner Rumination Scale, Daniel Machado
Extracting Prototypes From Lexical Feature Norms for Settlement Concepts, Chelsea-Leigh M. McKenzie
Longitudinal Trends in Early Childhood Napping Behaviours, Taylor H. Meiorin
The Good, the Bad, and the Microaggressions: How Identity and Context Influence Daily Experiences and Psychological Outcomes Over Time, Negar Mohammad Vali Samani
A Comprehensive Study of Neural Entrainment in Developmental Language Disorder and Reading Disability, Christine Moreau
Examining the Association Between Preterm Birth and Social-Emotional Functioning: The Role of the Amygdala and the Exploration of Other Contributing Factors, Megan E. Mueller
A Dyadic Daily Diary Investigation of Partner- And Self-Schema Structures on Relational Well-Being and Depressed Mood, Gabriela C. M. Murphy
A comprehensive investigation of the roles of sensorimotor and emotional information in embodied cognition, Joseph M. Nidel
Social Location & Counsellor Identity: a reflexive analysis of social power and the therapeutic use of self, Stephanie R. Page
Exploring the Feasibility and Outcomes of Concurrent Parent and Child Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Melissa Read
The Impact of Acute & Cumulative Exposure to Violent Media on Behavioural & Neurocognitive Markers of Social Cognition & Emotional States, Mary B. Ritchie
A Cross-Classified Multilevel Study Investigating Perceptions of Misogyny in Popular Music Presented in the Format of Lyrics, Michelle Schwier
The Influence of Dispositions and Everyday Social Factors on the Hostile Attribution Bias, Mackenzie C. Smith
Academic Motivation Dimensions and Achievement in University Students, rui sun
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Exploring the Experience of Disclosing in the Workplace, Jillian Auger
Spontaneous Simulation of Future and Past Events, Mackenzie Bain
Developing and Validating a Measure of Transformational Followership, Noelle Baird
Using an Evolutionary Framework to Test the Social Functions of Risky Behavior in Emerging Adulthood, Michal Bak
Examining the Paradox of Adult Second Language Word and Grammar Learning, Leah Brainin
Neural responses to magnetic orientation information in songbirds, Madeleine IR Brodbeck
The Concept of Trust in Newly-formed versus Long-term Romantic Relationships, Omar Jordan Camanto
Too Many Constructs in the Kitchen: Toward a Feature-Based Approach to Mistreatment, Sarah Carver
Disordered Eating Behaviours in Adolescents with and without a Formal ED Diagnosis: Comparing Individual and Contextual Factors, Eve G. Chapnik
A Multi-method Assessment of the Impact of Stress on Families’ Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrew R. Daoust
Young Arabs in Canada: Ethnic Identity and Intersectionality, Rama Eloulabi
Investigating the language of time: Evaluating the use and comprehension of before and after, Kimberley R. Henderson
The Effects of Self- and Partner- Schemas on Relationship Quality and Depression in Romantic Dyads, Owen Hicks
Affectivity and its Role in Predicting Sociometric Position in Small Group Networks, Roy Hui
Exploring The Effectiveness of Mood Induction In Virtual Reality, Julia V. Ignaszewski
Spontaneous Intrapersonal Synchrony and the Effect of Cognitive Load, Ramkumar Jagadeesan
Beyond Rank Attainment: Examining the Nature and Function of Dominance and Prestige in Teams, Lynden Jensen
Putting the 'A' in Prosocial: Development and Validation of a Measure of Trait Altruism, Laura K.D. Johnson MSc
Mindfulness Meditation Interventions as a Predictor of Environmental Leadership, Talib Karamally
Exploring the Dimensions and Dynamics of Partnered Sexual Behaviours: Scale Development and Validation Using Factor and Network Analysis, Devinder S. Khera
Knowledge of Late-Emerging Reading Disabilities Amongst Current and Future Ontario Educators, Chastine Lamoureux
What is Good Sex, and for Whom? A Psychometric Perspective, Nini Longoria
White matter connectome associations with reading functions in children, Chenglin Lou
Facilitating Research of an Understudied Language: Effects of Morphological Distributional Properties on Reading, Mirrah Maziyah Mohamed
Psychometric Validation of the Team Resilience Inventory, Alexander J. McGregor 6971928
Childhood Irritability: A Developmental Psychopathology Perspective, Ola Mohamed Ali
Examining service complexity in children with parents who abuse substances, Macall E. Oldenhof
Economics Or Culture? Measuring Economic Thinking And Cultural Enrichment Beliefs About Immigration., Paolo Aldrin Palma
The Role of Support Following Workplace Harassment Experiences, Victoria H. Paquette
Language, Reading, and Resting-state Oscillatory Power in ADHD, DLD, and Comorbid ADHD/DLD, Kaitlyn M.A Parks Ms
A Scoping Review Examining Treatment Components of Classroom and Small Group School-Based Anxiety and Test Anxiety Interventions, Lindsay B. Pittman
Assessing Misophonia: Cross-Cultural Validation of the MisoQuest and its Relation with Cognitive Functioning, Kate Raymond
Self-Worth and Identity: The Influence of Workplace Violence and Harassment in Canadian Workplaces, Chelsea Reid
The Development of the Experiential Impact of Mental Fatigue Scale, Olivia H. Richards
Exploring the Impact of Mood States on Motivation to Consume Food and Non-Food Rewards in Individuals with Loss of Control Eating, Kendall M. Schmidt
Examining Age-related Enhancement of Multisensory Gain: The Role of Sensory Decline and Inverse Effectiveness, Laura C. Schneeberger
Individual Differences in Decision-Making and Emotions: A Study of Alexithymia Using the Columbia Card Task, Kaycee A. Stewart Ms.
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Examining Factors Across COVID-19 Wave One and Wave Two Among Clinically Referred Children and Youth, Sarah Thomas
Investigating Neural Mechanisms Associated With the Double Empathy Problem Using fNIRS Hyperscanning, Kate E. Turner
An Empirical Examination of the Dyadic Partner-Schema Model of Relationship Distress and Depression, Jesse Lee Wilde Ms.
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Examining the Structure and Outcomes of Work Motivation Profiles: A Mindset-Based Approach, Leonid V. Beletski
Developmental Differences in the Learning and Consolidation of Linguistic Regularities, Sarah Berger
More than just virtual communication: Examining Canadian volunteers’ virtual contact experiences with refugees, Maria Besselink
The Impact Of An Online Self-Compassion Intervention On Thwarted Belongingness And Perceived Burdensomeness, Genevieve M. Bianchini
The Predictive Validity of Intimate Partner Violence Warning Signs, Nicolyn H. Charlot
The Relationship Between the Big-Five Personality Traits and Depressive Symptoms: A Meta-Analysis, Parisa Chavoshi
The Coding Flexibility of Radical Position in Chinese, Zian Chi
The Development and Validation of the Self-Validation and Invalidation Scale (SVIS), Jason J. Chung
The Social Context of Nonverbal Behaviour, Alexa S. Clerke
Revisiting Cognitive Dissonance: A Closer Look at the Core Assumptions of a Classic Theory, Mikayla V. Colthirst-Reid
The Spacing Effect in Remote Information-Integration Category Learning, Anthony Cruz
Characterizing and Predicting Canadian Adolescents’ Internalizing Symptoms in the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Haley Elizabeth Green
Co-rumination In Social Networks, Samantha M. Jones
Culture and Classification: Investigating Analytic vs. Holistic Thinking Styles, Neha Khemani
A Demonstration of the Utility of Formalizing Theory: Mapping, Evaluating, and Testing the Theory of Devaluation of Alternatives, Rebecca Koessler
Movies on the Mind: Using Naturalistic Stimuli to Assess Perception, Cognition, and Awareness in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness, Geoffrey Laforge
Role of the default-mode network during narrative integration in major depressive disorder, Darren Ri-Sheng Liang
Development and Validation of the Fat Microaggressions Scale, Megan Lindloff
Examining the Relationships Between Socio-cognitive Factors and Neural Synchrony During Movie Watching Across Development, Kathleen M. Lyons
Interpersonal Problems and Suicidal Ideation in Daily Life: Examining the Moderating Role of Social Problem-Solving, Brianna M. Meddaoui
The Developmental Importance of Napping in Preschool Children, Adam T. Newton