Physics and Astronomy Publications
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Summer 8-3-2017
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We propose a sustained and balanced program in space exploration to fuel innovation in the space sector, support Canada's world-leading space researchers, inspire the next generation of scientists and innovators, and create thousands of highly skilled, well-paying jobs for Canadians. During the next decade we recommend a total investment of approximately $1B, increasing to $1.3B in each decade that follows, including a regular flagship mission that Canada would lead and a constellation of smaller missions, either led by Canada or in collaboration with international partners.
Primary Authors: Ilaria Caiazzo, Sarah Gallagher, Jeremy Heyl; CSEW 2016 Topical Team Leaders: Roberto Abraham, Luigi Gallo, John Moores, Gordon Sarty, Douglas Scott, Greg Slater, Andrew Yau; Other Contributors: Ed Cloutis, Nicolas Cowan, Paul Fulford, John Hutchings
Comments: 26 pages, submitted to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and the Space Advisory Board in response to a call for input into the development of Canada's Space Strategy. This presents the views of the contributors; because of the accelerated timeline broad consultation was impractical; comments appreciated.