This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Philosophy, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Solidarity Building in a Structurally Unjust World, Emily T. Cichocki
A Defense of Virtual Veridicalism, Yen-Tung Lee
The 17th Century Legacy of Neo-Stoic Ethics, James Mackey
The Telos of the Rule of Law, Saul Arturo Madueno Alvarez
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Phenomenology and Intentionality of Normative-Evaluative Experience, Shawn K. Bartlett
Causal Variable Choice, Interventions, and Pragmatism, Zili Dong
What Do We Owe The Other Animals In Health-Related Research?, Jessica A. du Toit
Using Formal Epistemology to Model Epistemic Injustice Against Neurodivergent People, Mackenzie Marcotte
Conceptual Engineering & Contextualism, Madhavi Mohan
Human Extinction in the Pessimist Tradition, Ignacio L. Moya
The Exclusion of Religious Reasons, Jaclyn Rekis
Kant's Concept of Freedom in the Metaphysics Lectures, Alin Paul Varciu
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Effective Field Theories: A Philosophical Appraisal, Dimitrios Athanasiou
Essays on Privilege and its Implications for Relational Autonomy and Vaccine Hesitancy, Nicole Fice
A Critical Examination of Informed Consent Approaches in Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trials, Cory E. Goldstein
Craft and Virtue in Plato's Early Dialogues, Cecilia Z. Li
On Powerful Qualities, Dean J. Morales
Dissolving Nature/Nurture: Development as Coupled Interaction, Derek E. Oswick
Imagination as Thought in Aristotle's De Anima, Matthew Small
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Thomas Reid on Language and Mind, Alastair L.V. Crosby
Back to the Beginning: An Empiricist Defense of Scientific Stories About the Past, Craig William Fox
Autonomy, Paternalism, and the Moral Foundations of the Fiduciary Relationship, Austin Horn
Vindicating Evans: A Defence Of Evans' Theory Of Singular Thought, Dylan A. Hurry
Theories: Reconsidering Ramsey in the Philosophy of Science, John D. Lehmann
The Moral and Political Status of Microaggressions, Heather Stewart
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Aristotle's Account of Time: A Moderate Realism, Pierre-Luc Boudreault
On Polysemy: A Philosophical, Psycholinguistic, and Computational Study, Jiangtian Li
Apology and Reconciliation in Settler States, Nicholas B. Murphy
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
On Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Surplus Structure and Artifacts in Scientific Theories, Marie Gueguen
Theory construction in high-energy particle physics, Adam Koberinski
Understanding Interdisciplinary Corroboration: Lessons from a Review Paper in the Mind-Brain Sciences, Jaclyn Lanthier
Derogatory Words and Speech Acts: An Illocutionary Force Indicator Theory of Slurs, Chang Liu
Rethinking Individuality in Quantum Mechanics, Nathan Moore
Methodological Challenges for Empirical Approaches to Ethics, Christopher Shirreff
In Search of Psychiatric Kinds: Natural Kinds and Natural Classification in Psychiatry, Nicholas Slothouber
A Groundwork for A Logic of Objects, David Winters
Modes of Argumentation in Aristotle's Natural Science, Adam W. Woodcox
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Duty to Adopt? On the Ethics and Politics of Adoption, Veromi Arsiradam
A Practical and Practice-Sensitive Account of Science as Problem-Solving, Frédéric-Ismaël Banville
Empirical Evidence and the Multiple Realization of Mental Kinds, Danny Booth
Kant and Tetens on Transcendental Philosophy, Richard D. Creek
Computing, Modelling, and Scientific Practice: Foundational Analyses and Limitations, Filippos A. Papagiannopoulos
A Pluralism Worth Having: Feyerabend's Well-Ordered Science, Jamie Shaw
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
A Complete Special Goods Theory of Filial Obligations, Cameron Fenton
The Goal of Habituation in Aristotle: A Neo-Mechanical Account, Dioné Harley
Foreknowledge, Free Will, and the Divine Power Distinction in Thomas Bradwardine's De futuris contingentibus, Sarah Hogarth Rossiter
A New Framework for Enactivism: Understanding the enactive body through structural flexibility and Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of flesh, John Jenkinson
The Foundations of Revealed Religion 100 Years before David Hume: The Contribution of Anthony Collins, Nicholas Bryant Nash
Virtue Ethics for Relational Beings, Mathieu Roy
Fiduciary Duties and Commercial Surrogacy, Emma A. Ryman
Evidence in Neuroimaging: Towards a Philosophy of Data Analysis, Jessey Wright
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
On the Role of Mathematics in Scientific Representation, Saad Anis
Species Pluralism: Conceptual, Ontological, and Practical Dimensions, Justin Bzovy
Tesitmony as Significance Negotiation, Jennifer F. Epp
The Moral Status and Welfare of Patients Diagnosed as Vegetative With Covert Awareness, Mackenzie S. Graham
Similarity, Adequacy, and Purpose: Understanding the Success of Scientific Models, Melissa Jacquart
Varieties of Objectivity: What's Worth Keeping?, Lori Kantymir
Evaluating the Quantum Postulate in the Context of Pursuit, Molly M. Kao
A Pure Representationalist Account of Belief and Desire, Stephen Pearce
The Constellations of Empiricism, New Science, and Mind in Hobbes, Locke, and Hume, Lisa Pelot
Assessing Decision-Making Capacity After Severe Brain Injury, Andrew Peterson
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Probabilistic Reasoning in Cosmology, Yann Benétreau-Dupin
Civil Interests, The Social Contract, and The Conditions of Political Legitimacy, Michael S. Borgida
Gamete Provision and Moral Responsibility, Reuven A. Brandt
Rethinking Empathy: Value and Context in Motivation and Adaptation, O'Neal Buchanan
Representationalism About Sensory Phenomenology, Matthew Ivanowich
Contesting Gender Concepts, Language and Norms: Three Critical Articles on Ethical and Political Aspects of Gender Non-conformity, Stephanie Julia Kapusta
A Biopsychological Foundation for Linguistics, Jonathan J. Life
On Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Joshua M. Luczak
The Debate about Time: Examining the Evidence from our Ordinary Experience of Time, Melissa MacAulay
On Philosophical Intuitions, Nicholas D. McGinnis
Weaving the Statesman: the Unity of Plato's Politicus, Ryan Middleton
Trusting to a Fault: Criminal Negligence and Faith Healing Deaths, Ken Nickel
The Modern Secularization of Just War Theory and its Lessons for Contemporary Thought, Aviva Shiller
Aggregating Evidence in Climate Science: Consilience, Robustness and the Wisdom of Multiple Models, Martin A. Vezér
Moral Sense Theory and the Development of Kant's Ethics, Michael H. Walschots
Philipp Frank: Philosophy of Science, Pragmatism, and Social Engagement, Amy N. Wuest
Phenomenal Intentionality and the Problem of Cognitive Contact, Christopher A. Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Language, Mind, and Cognitive Science: Remarks on Theories of the Language-Cognition Relationships in Human Minds, Guillaume Beaulac
Love and Ethics in the Works of J. M. E. McTaggart, Trevor J. Bieber
A Feminist Defense of Moderate Moral Intuitionism, Bill JC Cameron
Hypothetical Necessity and the Laws of Nature: John Locke on God's Legislative Power, Elliot Rossiter
William James' Theory of Emotion, James Southworth
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
A Defence of Anti-Psychologism About Reasons, Alex Beldan
Aristotle on the Good of Friendship: Why the Beneficiary is Not What Matters, Kristina L. Biniek
An Ethical Justification for Research with Children, Ariella Binik
Method and Metaphor in Aristotle's Science of Nature, Sean Michael Pead Coughlin
On the Physical Explanation for Quantum Computational Speedup, Michael Cuffaro
The Methodological Roles of Tolerance and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics: Reconsidering Carnap's Logic of Science, Emerson P. Doyle
Well-Being, Authority, and Worth, Michel Hebert
Structures in Real Theory Application: A Study in Feasible Epistemology, Robert H. C. Moir
Husserl's Transcendental Idealism and the Problem of Solipsism, Rodney Parker
Fertility Preservation Technologies for Women: A Feminist Ethical Analysis, Angel Petropanagos
Some disputed aspects of inertia, with particular reference to the equivalence principle, Ryan S. Samaroo
The Resilience of a Refined Higher-Order Thought Theory of Consciousness, Lee-Anna T. Sangster
Justice, Rights, and Capabilities, Jeffrey E. Spring
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Does Empirical Moral Psychology Rest on a Mistake? Understanding Theories About the Nature of Moral Judgment as Moral Propositions, Patrick Clipsham
The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, Nicolas Fillion
Hannah Arendt and Feminist Agency, Katherine N. Fulfer
From Mirror to Mirage: The Idea of Logical Space in Kant, Wittgenstein, and van Fraassen, Lucien R. Lamoureux