Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




assessment, triangulation, observation, conversation, educational leadership, K-12


Over the last number of years, increased accountability in the teaching profession, coupled with the implementation of standards-based curricula, have resulted in traditional measuring tools such as tests, quizzes, or a performance task dominating classroom assessment practices (DeLuca, King, Sun, & Klinger, 2012). Ontario’s assessment and evaluation policy, Growing Success (2010), and Campbell et al.’s (2018) review of assessment in Ontario both support strengthening the use of qualitative feedback. However, current practices focusing on grade-oriented, surface level approaches characterized by memorization, recall, reduced thinking, preference for easier tasks, reluctance to take intellectual risks, and a diminished interest in learning continues (Kohn, 2011; Tippin, Lafreniere, & Page, 2012). A problem of practice is a situation in one’s place of work where goals and/or values might not be entirely met that is characteristic of a group of people or population (Pollock, 2014). Using Nadler and Tushman’s (1982) Congruence Model of Organizational Behaviour and Cawsey, Deszca and Ingols’ (2016) Change Path Model, this Organization Improvement Plan will contextualize a problem of practice, analyze the organization in preparation for change, and propose a change implementation plan aimed at building capacity for leaders and teachers to broaden the use of triangulated methods, the use of multiple sources over time to gather data (Herbst, 2015), in student assessment.

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