Date of Submission
Document Type
Doctor of Education
English Language Learners, Language Acquisition, Heritage Language, Transformational Leadership, Inclusive leadership, Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion, International Mindedness, Critical Theory, Sociocultural Theory.
This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) aims to improve the learning experiences of English Language Learners (ELLs) in international schools. It is framed around a Problem of Practice (PoP), which is based on concerns pertaining to ELLs’ English language acquisition difficulties and the limited incorporation of ELLs’ linguistic and cultural diversity. Central to this OIP is developing a desired state, which is proposed to improve ELLs’ inclusiveness. This OIP has been viewed through the lens of critical theory, relative to educational equity, and it is informed by sociocultural theory in relation to language learning within social contexts. An Internationally Minded Leadership Model, comprised of both transformational leadership and inclusive leadership, framed around international mindedness, and linguistically and culturally inclusive practices, has been developed for this OIP. Internal and external change drivers, encompassing increased ELL enrolment and difficulties in English language acquisition, have necessitated changes in order improve ELLs’ learning experiences. Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence Model (1980, 1989) frames the critical organizational analysis, which is informed by the Rate the Organization’s Readiness for Change Questionnaire and a force field analysis to gauge change readiness. Moreover, a blended change framework, which combines Cawsey, Deszca and Ingols’ (2016) Change Path Model and Kotter’s (1996, 2012) Eight-Stage Process, has been utilized to guide the development of the change implementation and communication plans, framed around the PoP’s chosen solution. Furthermore, the PDSA cycle serves to monitor and evaluate the change process for this OIP.
Recommended Citation
Al-Aghbar, L. (2019). Improving the Learning Experiences of English Language Learners in International Schools. The Dissertation in Practice at Western University, 62. Retrieved from