Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Competing Values Framework, Distributed Leadership, Internationalization, Organized Anarchy, Organizational Culture, Public-private Partnership



The goal of Canada’s International Education Strategy: Harnessing our Knowledge Advantage to Drive Innovation and Prosperity (Global Affairs Canada, 2014) is to target the best and brightest international students to study in the country’s higher education institutions, mutually benefiting the student and the country’s economy. However, internationalization has created a new reality, with students graduating ill-equipped for the global society and a demand for approaches that embrace the complexities of diversity and changing environments (Dailey-Hebert & Dennis, 2015). Absent from the internationalization agenda are the considerations of impact on students and what they need in an organization’s culture to be most successful in their “abroad” learning. Evaluation of how internationalization is implemented is a gap and missing from the internationalization discourse is how faculty and staff can be equipped in their roles as implementers of internationalization. Change is needed in higher education institutions, and it requires leadership and an awareness of the organization’s culture and context. The Problem of Practice (POP) in this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) is the lack of an organizational culture focus in supporting international students in an Ontario higher education institution. Using the experience of a partnership between a public community college and a private for-profit college, this OIP will outline a proposal for a change plan for the public-private partnership to develop a culturally competent organizational culture. This OIP will also be framed by the distributed leadership approach, the organized anarchy perspective, and the competing values framework to understand the organization and facilitate the change.

Keywords: Competing Values Framework, Distributed Leadership, Internationalization, Organized Anarchy, Organizational Culture, Public-private Partnership
