Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




culture, diversity, inclusion, transformational, inclusive, leadership


The Financial Regulatory Agency of Canada (FRAC, a pseudonym) needs to create a more inclusive organizational culture, which will be a significant institutional change. The FRAC is embarking on a cultural transformation, with a primary focus on creating a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy. The Problem of Practice addressed here is the lack of consistent inclusive leadership practices in the FRAC. This Organizational Improvement Plan uses transformational leadership and inclusive leadership principles to garner support and momentum from all organizational levels to achieve the new organizational state. Four frames were used as a tactical tool to analyze the FRAC and pinpoint the choices and actions the organization could make during the improvement process. A political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental analysis was done to better understand the forces affecting this change, and a readiness assessment confirmed the FRAC’s tolerance for the proposed change initiative. Following an organizational study, the change path model was used to guide the change process. The financial, administrative, and human resource implications of three potential responses to the Problem of Practice were identified. The creation of a DEI strategy focused on integrating an inclusion leadership competency was selected as the best course of action for sustainable change. The plan, do, study, act methodology was chosen to track and analyze the advancement of DEI at the FRAC. Finally, an implementation plan, communication strategy, and monitoring and evaluation plan were developed, all of which are aligned with the change path model to ensure a cohesive Organizational Improvement Plan.

Keywords: culture, diversity, inclusion, transformational, inclusive, leadership

Available for download on Sunday, August 31, 2025
