"The Role of Supervisory Officers in Building School Administrator Lead" by Drew McNaughton

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




leadership development, supervisory officer, collaborative learning, job-embedded professional learning, transformational leadership, human rights-based approach


This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) is based on a problem of practice (PoP) in Red Maple District School Board (RMDSB), a mid-sized Ontario school board that identifies cultivating leadership in staff as a priority. The limited leadership development opportunities for school administrators has become a challenge for RMDSB and many Ontario school districts. Limited opportunities are provided for RMDSB school administrators to authentically collaborate and engage in professional learning. Supervisory officers, who are responsible for establishing supportive system practices and providing district-level leadership, play a critical role in building school administrator leadership capacity. As a result, the OIP explores the role of supervisory officers in building school administrator leadership capacity; more specifically, practices that support authentic and collaborative learning opportunities for school administrators. Transformational and servant leadership, along with a human rights-based approach (HRBA), have been utilized throughout the OIP to ensure school administrator leadership and learning needs are centred. This includes acknowledging and supporting the identities and lived experiences of Indigenous and racialized school administrators. As a preferred solution, this OIP proposes the use of mentorship and leader learning teams to help build the leadership capacity of school administrators. Such an approach will support job-embedded professional learning, high levels of interaction among school and system leaders, and productive working relationships. The change path model, an organizational-level change model, has been used to support the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the preferred solution.
