Date of Submission
Document Type
Doctor of Education
adaptive leadership, collaborative inquiry, critical theory, data-informed decision making, distributed leadership, Kotter 8-step change model
This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) seeks to open up the black box of classroom teaching to data informed collaborative inquiry by teachers for teachers using formative feedback as the model for instructional improvement. Teacher collective efficacy is developed through ongoing professional learning in collaborative teaching teams that use multiple measures of data to limit bias and improve equity of outcomes for students. Such a process is iterative, and the OIP envisions the combined use of adaptive leadership and distributed leadership approaches to support Kotter’s 8-step model for change implementation. The desired outcome is an adaptive and agile school culture where teachers are empowered to use data in collaborative teams. A distributed leadership team will develop a culture of collaborative inquiry and improve data literacy within teaching teams to create school level narratives of student achievement and growth. This OIP applies critical theory frameworks of empowerment and liberation to data generated in schools with the firm belief that teachers and students who generate data must be empowered to analyse and use such data for self-improvement. This shift from the evaluative use of data for school ranking to the use of data by collaborative teams of teacher leaders as formative feedback for self-improvement is an act of resistance to the colonial use of data in 21st century neoliberal accountability regimes. A successful implementation of this OIP seeks to return sense-making of knowledge back to teachers as professionals and students as partners in learning through data-informed, collaborative decision making.
Recommended Citation
Mahadevan, A. (2022). Building an Adaptive Culture where Collaborative Teaching Teams Leverage Data to Improve Student Achievement and Wellbeing. The Dissertation in Practice at Western University, 308. Retrieved from
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