"Exploring how by adopting an adaptive leadership approach, a program C" by Behrokh Nikaiin


Behi is my nick name

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Basic research, research mentor, collaborative degree Kotter’s eight-stage model, distributed leadership, resilient leadership, PDSA model.


This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) proposes a leadership-based solution that aims to increase faculty commitment to conducting basic research in an Ontario college. The current and future status of research in a Collaborative Nursing Degree program where basic research is mandated by the accreditation body are reviewed. After conducting a comprehensive review of the organizational context, vision, and leadership, contingency theory of leadership was recognized as the most appropriate organizational theory. Guided by contingency theory, distributed and resilient leadership models were chosen to help gain an in-depth understanding of the needs, capabilities, and motivations of the faculty. Kotter’s (2012) eight-stage process was chosen as the framework for change planning. This model is a highly structured step-by-step process that helps managers know what they should do and when and how they are ready to move to the next stage (Cawsey et al., 2016). Four possible solutions are examined; creating a research mentor role has been identified as the preferred solution. Quality mentoring has been linked to more successful research activities, improved research productivity, and ultimately, higher professional satisfaction among the mentees. Through connecting with the organizational analysis and the possible solutions, as well as Kotter and Schlesinger’s (2008) methods for dealing with resistance to change, a comprehensive implementation plan was identified. The Plan-Do-Study-Act evaluation and monitoring framework was selected to examine the change process. This OIP can be adopted by and applied to similar contexts, where change leadership is used to guide changes to practices and, ultimately, to the organizational culture.
