"Intercultural Encounters: Creating Purposeful Interactions between Dom" by Tanya Missere Mihas

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




purposeful interactions, internationalization at home, global citizens, systems leadership, adaptive leadership, change drivers


Considering that internationalization has become an important component of many universities’ strategic plans, universities might want to expand efforts to increase Internationalization-at-Home initiatives. With the increasing number of international students on Canadian campuses, an opportunity exists to enhance both domestic and international students’ understanding of global issues and their impact on societies throughout the world. The Problem of Practice (PoP) addressed in this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) is leveraging the opportunity to create purposeful interactions between domestic and international students within a small, yet divided, University College. Foundational to this OIP are leadership approaches, including systems, adaptive, and distributed leadership, that are employed to identify patterns and implement change. Using Bowman and Deal’s (2017) four frames, an analysis of the current situation is reviewed to assist in determining of the change process. In considering change drivers, the STEEPLED approach is applied as it provides a thorough examination of multiple aspects for consideration. Change readiness is also deliberated, often in tandem with change drivers. The chosen solution is the creation of purposeful interactions via extracurricular activities for all students as well as co-curricular activities for students in the School of English, while also staying the course of continuing to look for opportunities for purposeful interactions for degree students. The framework for leading change and proposed solution are based on Complex Adaptive Systems and the Change Path Model (Cawsey et al., 2016), while the implementation, monitoring and evaluation methods include the Change Path Model, the PDSA Model and the Program Logic Model.
