"Disrupting the Status Quo: Leveraging collective teacher efficacy for " by Marjorie E. MacDonald

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




culturally responsive pedagogy, collective teacher efficacy, relationships, transformational leadership, adaptive leadership, ethic of care



At Mel Morgan Middle School (MMMS) a high percentage of students are of low socioeconomic status (SES). Compounding this problem is data which shows that students at MMMS also experience significant academic challenges. Educational challenges for students of low SES are like those experienced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC). Faculty beliefs and assumptions about how to effectively educate students from low SES and BIPOC communities are posited as a problem beyond their control. Despite the Legacy Regional Centre for Education’s (LRCE) commitment to student success through policies and documents such as student success planning, inclusive education, and culturally responsive pedagogy, challenges still exist. As a solution to the problem of practice (PoP) this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) presents a solution to disrupt the status quo by leveraging collective teacher efficacy (CTE) for the success and wellbeing of all students. Explored through an Indigenous lens and highlighting the Indigenous principles of respect, responsibility, relevance and reciprocity, interconnection and collective action propel the solution to the problem. Essential to collective teacher efficacy is an environment which promotes strong relationships and collaborative teacher inquiry (CTI). As an administrative leader, continuous school improvement through the student success planning process and CTI will be explored through transformational, transformative, and adaptive leadership approaches. Guided by an ethic of care, collective teacher efficacy has significant potential to impact the education of all students. This is especially true for BIPOC and students of low socioeconomic status.

Keywords: culturally responsive pedagogy, collective teacher efficacy, relationships, transformational leadership, adaptive leadership, ethic of care
