"Igniting Change in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at a Canadian Commu" by Jennifer Phyllis Gorman

Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




equity, diversity, inclusion, change path model, PDCA, transformational leadership


This organizational improvement plan addresses the need to develop an equity, diversity, and inclusion strategy that will lead to systematic institutional and cultural change at Mountain College (a pseudonym). This organizational improvement plan draws upon transformational and ethical leadership principles to gain support and momentum from across all levels of the College to develop a shared vision for change and reach the new organizational state. Bolman and Deal's (2013) four frames have been used as a strategic tool to examine Mountain College and identify the actions and decisions the team can take in the organizational improvement process. Following this analysis, I used The Change Path Model (Cawsey et al., 2016) to lead the change process. Three possible solutions to address the PoP were identified and examined from a financial, administrative, and human resources perspective. The preferred solution was identified, and a change implementation plan was developed. The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) concept was selected to monitor and evaluate the institution's progress. Finally, a strategic communications plan has been developed for internal and external stakeholders.
