Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Digital Educational Technologies, Health Sciences, Sensemaking, Connectivism, Learning Community


The growing use of digital educational technologies in higher education has seen considerable change resulting in significant institutional energies directed towards maintaining currency with today’s emerging trends. The move to digital transformation is an inevitable assumption and generally positively accepted by academia. Despite this, technology integration has emerged in an ad hoc and reactive fashion rather than purposeful and strategic. This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) addresses the need for a shared vision for technology adoption across a health sciences program in a mid-sized institution. Although faculty participate enthusiastically in developing curricular initiatives, their roles and engagement with technology visioning are often void of their collective voices. The theoretical concepts of sensemaking and learning culture offer insight into the complexity of connecting technology to learning pedagogy. Central to developing capacity requires facilitating meaningful connections between users about the technology and the implications to practice. This OIP builds upon the need for a collaborative lens that acknowledges cultural nuances and individual empowerment. Key in the success of leading the process will be the enactment of adaptive and transformational leadership, where the approach for change is modelled in a collaborative and supportive manner. The change implementation plan of the proposed change is fostered by the dual application of Cawsey et al.’s (2016) Change Model and Kotter’s eight-stage process (2012). Ultimately, this OIP will result in an integrated visionary approach to technology adoption across a health science program.
