Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Field Trips, Key Stakeholders’, Professional Learning Communities, Students’ Safety, Train-The-Trainers, Transformational Leadership.



School safety is assumed to be a priority for stakeholders in schools across Canada. School processes, activities, and successful learning can only be valuable when students feel safe and protected (Hernandez, 2010). The Problem of Practice (PoP) addressed in this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) explored the role of leadership in improving key stakeholders’ mode of compliance with school excursion policies that can ensure students’ physical and psychological safety during field trips in Caring Alternative High School (CAHS), an anonymized school in Ontario.

This OIP integrated transformational and inclusive leadership as key approaches used to promote the inclusion of stakeholders’ perspectives, inspiring them to value and implement effective safety protocols that embody the vision of CAHS as a safe and caring school. Also, the approaches help to facilitate an understanding that change is possible in CAHS.

In seeking to frame the PoP, the PESTE factors which include political, economic, social, technological, environmental factors and Nadler and Tushman’s (1989) Congruence Model were used for the action plan to identify, analyze and ascertain the core cause of the PoP. The chosen solutions of this OIP are the Train-the-Trainers (TTTs) and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) used during professional development sessions and school meetings to help realize the desired change. The Change Path Model (Cawsey et al., 2016) was used with the Plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle (Donnelly and Kirk, 2015) to analyze, monitor, and evaluate the change.
