Microbiology & Immunology Publications


Research in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology Publications revolves around two major fields of scientific endeavor, these fields involve studies on bacteria, virus, parasites, cancer and immune cells with an emphasis on molecular biology, biochemistry, and pathogenesis. Within these fields are several research groups, including the Western HIV Investigators Group, the Bacteria Pathogenesis group, the Cancer Group, the Probiotic Group and the Biotherapeutics Group.

Visit the Department of Microbiology & Immunology website for additional information.


Submissions from 2011

Bacterial aggregation in sepsis, Gregor Reid


Microbiota Restoration: Natural and Supplemented Recovery of Human Microbial Communities, Gregor Reid, Jessica A. Younes, Henny C. Van der Mei, Gregory B. Gloor, Rob Knight, and Henk J. Busscher

Bacterial adhesion to dental amalgam and three resin composites, A. Van Tienen, Y. M. Hullegie, R. Hummelen, J. Hemsworth, J. Changalucha, and G. Reid


Human HERC5 Restricts an Early Stage of HIV-1 Assembly by a Mechanism Correlating with the ISGylation of Gag, Matthew W. Woods, Jenna N. Kelly, Clayton J. Hattlmann, Jessica G. K. Tong, Li S. Xu, Macon D. Coleman, Graeme R. Quest, James R. Smiley, and Stephen D. Barr

Biofilm infections: Implications for diagnosis and treatment, Maryam Yeganegi, Chiashan G. Leung, Andrew Martins, Sung O. Kim, Gregor Reid, John R.G. Challis, and Alan D. Bocking

Submissions from 2010


Regulation of Follicular B Cell Differentiation by the Related E26 Transformation-Specific Transcription Factors PU.1, Spi-B, and Spi-C, Rodney P. Dekoter, Marc Geadah, Sonam Khoosal, Li S. Xu, Gobi Thillainadesan, Joseph Torchia, Shu Shien Chin, and Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha

Bioremediation and tolerance of humans to heavy metals through microbial processes: A potential role for probiotics?, Gregory B. Gloor, Ruben Hummelen, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, Andrew D. Fernandes, Roderick MacPhee, and Gregor Reid


Microbiome Profiling by Illumina Sequencing of Combinatorial Sequence-Tagged PCR Products, Gregory B. Gloor, Ruben Hummelen, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, Andrew D. Fernandes, Roderick MacPhee, and Gregor Reid

Clue cells in bacterial vaginosis: Immunofluorescent identification of the adherent gram-negative bacteria as gardnerella vaginalis, Ruben Hummelen, John Changalucha, Nicodemus L. Butamanya, Adrian Cook, J. Dik F. Habbema, and Gregor Reid

Can prebiotics and probiotics improve therapeutic outcomes for undernourished individuals?, Ruben Hummelen, Andrew D. Fernandes, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, John Changalucha, Gregory B. Gloor, and Gregor Reid


Deep Sequencing of the Vaginal Microbiota of Women with HIV, Ruben Hummelen, Andrew D. Fernandes, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, John Changalucha, Gregory B. Gloor, and Gregor Reid

Clinical study comparing probiotic Lactobacillus GR-1 and RC-14 with metronidazole vaginal gel to treat symptomatic bacterial vaginosis, Ruben Hummelen, Jaimie Hemsworth, and Gregor Reid

Characterization of the vaginal microbiota of healthy Canadian women through the menstrual cycle, Ruben Hummelen, Arjan P. Vos, Belinda Van'T Land, Klaske Van Norren, and Gregor Reid

Cluster analysis of genotypically characterized Lactobacillus species based on physicochemical cell surface properties and their relationship with adhesion to hexadecane, Stephanie L. Irvine, Ruben Hummelen, Sharareh Hekmat, Caspar W. N. Looman, J. Dik F. Habbema, and Gregor Reid


Differential Cytokine Regulation by NF-κB and AP-1 in Jurkat T-cells, Hazem Khalaf, Jana Jass, and Per-Erik Olsson

Can bacterial interference prevent infection?, Tara Koyama, Pirkka V. Kirjavainen, Cale Fisher, Kingsley Anukam, Kelly Summers, Sharareh Hekmat, and Gregor Reid

Biomaterials used in urology: Current issues of biocompatibility, infection, and encrustation, Roderick A. MacPhee, Ruben Hummelen, Jordan E. Bisanz, Wayne L. Miller, and Gregor Reid

CHORIONIC VILLUS SAMPLING, Nayra Mehanna and Gregor Reid

Biomaterials in urology II: Future usage and management, Gregor Reid

Biosurfactants produced by Lactobacillus, Gregor Reid

Coaggregation of urogenital bacteria in vitro and in vivo, Gregor Reid, Estelle Gaudier, Francisco Guarner, Gary B. Huffnagle, Jean M. Macklaim, Alicia Murcia Munoz, Margaret Martini, Tamar Ringel-Kulka, Balfor R. Sartor, Robert R. Unal, Kristin Verbeke, and Jens Walter


Effects of Intensive Medical Therapy on Microemboli and Cardiovascular Risk in Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis, J. David Spence, Victoria Coates, Hector Li, Arturo Tamayo, Claudio Muñoz, Daniel G. Hackam, Maria DiCicco, Janine DesRoches, Chrysi Bogiatzi, Jonathan Klein, Joaquim Madrenas, and Robert A. Hegele


Characterization and Functional Analysis of Seven Flagellin Genes in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae. Characterization of R. leguminosarum Flagellins, Dinah D. Tambalo, Denise E. Bustard, Kate L. Del Bel, Susan F. Koval, Morgan F. Khan, and Michael F. Hynes

Breast, milk and microbes: A complex relationship that does not end with lactation, Maryam Yeganegi, Chiashan G. Leung, Andrew Martins, Sung O. Kim, Gregor Reid, John R.G. Challis, and Alan D. Bocking


Identification of a Molecular Recognition Feature in the E1A Oncoprotein that Binds the SUMO Conjugase UBC9 and Likely Interferes with PolySUMOylation, A. F. Yousef, G. J. Fonseca, P. Pelka, J. N. G. Ablack, C. Walsh, F. A. Dick, D. P. Bazett-Jones, G. S. Shaw, and J. S. Mymryk