Microbiology & Immunology Publications


Research in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology Publications revolves around two major fields of scientific endeavor, these fields involve studies on bacteria, virus, parasites, cancer and immune cells with an emphasis on molecular biology, biochemistry, and pathogenesis. Within these fields are several research groups, including the Western HIV Investigators Group, the Bacteria Pathogenesis group, the Cancer Group, the Probiotic Group and the Biotherapeutics Group.

Visit the Department of Microbiology & Immunology website for additional information.


Submissions from 2013

Adherence of cervical, vaginal and distal urethral normal microbial flora to human uroepithelial cells and the inhibition of adherence of gram-negative uropathogens by competitive exclusion, Julia M. Di Bella, Yige Bao, Gregory B. Gloor, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid

Adhesion of Urogenital Organisms to Polymers and Prosthetic Devices, M. K. Enos, J. P. Burton, J. Dols, S. Buhulata, J. Changalucha, and G. Reid

Adhesion of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis to polymer and urinary catheter surfaces, Grace Ettinger, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid

Adhesion of coagulase-negative staphylococci grouped according to physico-chemical surface properties, Andrew D. Fernandes, Jean M. Macklaim, Thomas G. Linn, Gregor Reid, and Gregory B. Gloor

Adhesion of Lactobacillus species in urine and phosphate buffer to silicone rubber and glass under flow, Jean M. Macklaim, Andrew D. Fernandes, Julia M. Di Bella, Jo Anne Hammond, Gregor Reid, and Gregory B. Gloor

Adhesion of two uropathogens to silicone and lubricious catheters: influence of pH, urea and creatinine, Roderick A. MacPhee, Wayne L. Miller, Gregory B. Gloor, John K. McCormick, Jo Anne Hammond, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid

Adhesion of lactobacilli to polymer surfaces in vivo and in vitro, Amy McMillan, Jean M. MacKlaim, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid

Adsorption of ciprofloxacin to urinary catheters and effect on subsequent bacterial adhesion and survival, Bryon Petschow, Joël Doré, Patricia Hibberd, Timothy Dinan, Gregor Reid, Martin Blaser, Patrice D. Cani, Fred H. Degnan, Jane Foster, Glenn Gibson, John Hutton, Todd R. Klaenhammer, Ruth Ley, Max Nieuwdorp, Bruno Pot, David Relman, Andrew Serazin, and Mary Ellen Sanders

Adhesion forces and coaggregation between vaginal staphylococci and lactobacilli, Gregor Reid

Adhesion of Lactobacillus iners AB-1 to human fibronectin: A key mediator for persistence in the vagina?, Jennifer N.S. Reid, Jordan E. Bisanz, Marc Monachese, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid

Acute and recurrent symptomatic urinary tract infections in women, Paul O. Sheridan, Laure B. Bindels, Delphine M. Saulnier, Gregor Reid, Esther Nova, Kerstin Holmgren, Paul W. O'Toole, James Bunn, Nathalie Delzenne, and Karen P. Scott


The involvement of interleukin-22 in the expression of pancreatic beta cell regenerative Reg genes, Bhagirath Singh, Thomas Hill, Olga Krougly, Enayat Nikoopour, Stacey Bellemore, Edwin Lee-Chan, Lynette A. Fouser, and David J. Hill

Adhesion of three Lactobacillus strains to human urinary and intestinal epithelial cells., Nigel Yeoh, Jeremy P. Burton, Praema Suppiah, Gregor Reid, and Simon Stebbings

Submissions from 2012

At the crossroads of vaginal health and disease, the genome sequence of Lactobacillus iners AB-1, Emma Allen-Vercoe, Gregor Reid, Norman Viner, Gregory B. Gloor, Susy Hota, Peter Kim, Christine Lee, Kieran O'Doherty, Stephen J. Vanner, J. Scott Weese, and Elaine O. Petrof

Assessment of Lactobacillus species colonizing the vagina of apparently healthy Nigerian women, using PCR-DGGE and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, Mathilde E. Boon, Joke A.M. Dols, Nicodemus Butamanya, and Gregor Reid

Aggregation by fragilis and non-fragilis Bacteroides strains in vitro, Joke A.M. Dols, Gregor Reid, Remco Kort, Frank H.J. Schuren, Hugo Tempelman, Tj Romke Bontekoe, Hans Korporaal, E. M. Van Der Veer, Pieter W. Smit, and Mathilde E. Boon

Antibiotic resistance of urinary pathogens isolated from patients attending The Toronto Hospital between 1986 and 1990, Jaimie Caitlin Hemsworth, Sharareh Hekmat, and Gregor Reid

Analysis of vaginal lactobacilli from healthy and infected Brazilian women, Sanae A. Ishijima, Kazumi Hayama, Jeremy P. Burton, Gregor Reid, Masashi Okada, Yuji Matsushita, and Shigeru Abe

Anti-inflammatory effects of probiotic yogurt in inflammatory bowel disease patients, Mattias Karlsson, Nikolai Scherbak, Gregor Reid, and Jana Jass

Applications from bacterial adhesion and biofilm studies in relation to urogenital tissues and biomaterials: A review, Gerwald A. Khler, Senait Assefa, and Gregor Reid

ANOVA-Like Differential Expression (ALDEx) Analysis for Mixed Population RNA-Seq, Jingru Li, John McCormick, Alan Bocking, and Gregor Reid

Adsorption of urinary components influences the zeta potential of uropathogen surfaces, Jean M. MacKlaim, Craig R. Cohen, Gilbert Donders, Gregory B. Gloor, Janet E. Hill, Groesbeck P. Parham, Jacques Ravel, Gregory Spear, Janneke Van De Wijgert, and Gregor Reid

Advances in ureteral stent technology, Marc Monachese, Jeremy P. Burton, and Gregor Reid


African fermented foods and probiotics, Gregor Reid

Altered host-microbe interaction in HIV: A target for intervention with pro- and prebiotics, Gregor Reid