Mathematics Theses and Dissertations
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Mathematics, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Competition Effects in an Intraguild Predation Model, Nicholas A. Eekhof
Special quotients of absolute Galois Groups with Applications in Number Theory and Pythagorean fields, Oussama Rayen Hamza
The Fundamental Groupoid in Discrete Homotopy Theory, Udit Ajit Mavinkurve
Analytic Properties of Quantum States on Manifolds, Manimugdha Saikia
Monotone Functions On General Measure Spaces, Alejandro Santacruz Hidalgo
Maximal Torus in Hofer Geoemtry and Embeddings of two balls in $S^2\times S^2$, Prakash Singh
Mutational Bias Shifts and Severe Environmental Stress Promote Mutator Emergence, Marwa Tuffaha
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Polynomial Density Of Compact Smooth Surfaces, Luke P. Broemeling
Internal Yoneda Ext Groups, Central H-spaces, and Banded Types, Jarl Gunnar Taxerås Flaten
Adaptation reshapes the distribution of fitness effects, Diego Tenoch Morales Lopez
Generating Polynomials of Exponential Random Graphs, Mohabat Tarkeshian
Geometry in spectral triples: Immersions and fermionic fuzzy geometries, Luuk S. Verhoeven
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Reduction of L-functions of Elliptic Curves Modulo Integers, Félix Baril Boudreau
Polynomial Identities of Algebras with Actions: A Unified Combinatorial Approach, Mayecxiliana Cardenas Montoya
Automorphism-preserving color substitutions on Profinite Graphs, Michal Cizek
Multi-Trace Matrix Models from Noncommutative Geometry, Hamed Hessam
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Centralizers of abelian Hamiltonian actions on rational ruled surfaces, Pranav Vijay Chakravarthy
Cubical Models of Higher Categories, Brandon Doherty
Genus Bounds for Some Dynatomic Modular Curves, Andrew W. Herring
Equisingular Approximation of Analytic Germs, Aftab Yusuf Patel
Distribution of the p-Torsion of Jacobian Groups of Regular Matroids, Sergio R. Zapata Ceballos
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Equivariant cohomology for 2-torus actions and torus actions with compatible involutions, Sergio Chaves Ramirez
Locally Persistent Categories And Metric Properties Of Interleaving Distances, Luis N. Scoccola
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Of matroid polytopes, chow rings and character polynomials, Ahmed Ashraf
Graded Character Rings, Mackey Functors and Tambara Functors, Beatrice Isabelle Chetard
Ricci Curvature of Noncommutative Three Tori, Entropy, and Second Quantization, Rui Dong
Polynomial and Rational Convexity of Submanifolds of Euclidean Complex Space, Octavian Mitrea
Albert forms, Quaternions, Schubert Varieties & Embeddability, Jasmin Omanovic
Enhanced Koszulity in Galois cohomology, Marina Palaisti
Enriched Derivators, James Richardson
Torsors over Simplicial Schemes, Alexander S. Rolle
Essential dimension of parabolic bundles, Dinesh Valluri
Localization Theory in an Infinity Topos, Marco Vergura
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Topological Recursion and Random Finite Noncommutative Geometries, Shahab Azarfar
Syzygy Order of Big Polygon Spaces, Jianing Huang
Local Higher Category Theory, Nicholas Meadows
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
On vector-valued automorphic forms on bounded symmetric domains, Nadia Alluhaibi
Algebraic Tori: A Computational Approach, Armin Jamshidpey
Labeling of graphs, sumset of squares of units modulo n and resonance varieties of matroids, Mohsen Mollahajiaghaei
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
K-Theory Of Root Stacks And Its Application To Equivariant K-Theory, Ivan Kobyzev
Moduli space and deformations of special Lagrangian submanifolds with edge singularities, Josue Rosario-Ortega
On Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality And A Scalar Curvature Formula For Noncommutative Tori, Sajad Sadeghi
Uniform Approximation on Riemann Surfaces, Fatemeh Sharifi
Gauss-Bonnet-Chern type theorem for the noncommutative four-sphere, Mitsuru Wilson
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Galois 2-Extensions, Masoud Ataei Jaliseh
On Spectral Invariants of Dirac Operators on Noncommutative Tori and Curvature of the Determinant Line Bundle for the Noncommutative Two Torus, Ali Fathi Baghbadorani
Rationality of the spectral action for Robertson-Walker metrics and the geometry of the determinant line bundle for the noncommutative two torus, Asghar Ghorbanpour
Inclusions Among Mixed-Norm Lebesgue Spaces, Wayne R. Grey
A Study Of Green’s Relations On Algebraic Semigroups, Allen O'Hara
Fourier Inequalities in Lorentz and Lebesgue Spaces, Javad Rastegari Koopaei
Combinatorial Techniques in the Galois Theory of p-Extensions, Michael Rogelstad
Quantization of two types of Multisymplectic manifolds, Baran Serajelahi
Combinatorial Polynomial Identity Theory, Mayada Khalil Shahada
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Classification of W-groups of Pythagorean formally real fields, Fatemeh Bagherzadeh Golmakani
Polynomial Identities on Algebras with Actions, Chris Plyley
Cohomology of Absolute Galois Groups, Claudio Quadrelli
Ghost number of group algebras, Gaohong Wang
Tilting Sheaves on Brauer-Severi Schemes and Arithmetic Toric Varieties, Youlong Yan
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
On degeneracies in the family of fibres of a complex analytic mapping, Hadi Seyedinejad
Symplectomorphism Groups of Weighted Projective Spaces and Related Embedding Spaces, Martin L. VanHoof
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
A Convexity Theorem For Symplectomorphism Groups, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi
A Homotopy Theory for Diffeological Spaces, Enxin Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Arrangements of Submanifolds and the Tangent Bundle Complement, Priyavrat Deshpande
Characteristic Polynomial of Arrangements and Multiarrangements, Mehdi Garrousian
Descent Systems, Eulerian Polynomials and Toric Varieties, Letitia Mihaela Golubitsky
GKM theory of rationally smooth group embeddings, Richard P. Gonzales
Noncommutative complex geometry of quantum projective spaces, Ali Moatadelro
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Holomorphic k-differentials and holomorphic approximation on open Riemann surfaces, Nadya Askaripour
Descending Central Series of Free Pro-p-Groups, German A. Combariza