Western LGP Major Research Papers and Research Reports | Local Government Program | Western University

MPA Major Research Papers


From 1990 until 2023, all Western Master of Public Administration students completed a faculty-supervised Major Research Paper. Starting in 2024, students complete a Research Report that is not individually supervised.

At the time of submission, students may opt to publicly release their papers. This series contains all publicly available papers completed since 1990.

The program does not endorse the content of these papers which are the independent research of the students. The papers are owned by the authors and posted here with their permission.

If you are the author of an MPA research paper and would like to have that paper removed from this database please contact localgov@uwo.ca.


Major Research Papers from 2024


A Review of Municipal Asset Management Plans for Stormwater Asset Management Program in Selected Single-Tier Municipalities in Ontario: The Successful Implementation of O.Reg. 588/17, Michael Ajibaye


What line is it anyway? An appeal for policy coordination to support integrated floodplain management in Ontario, Shawna Chambers


Assessing Municipal Strategic Plan Quality in Ontario: An Examination of Municipal Size, Consultant Involvement and Strategic Plan Quality Components, Eliza Durant


Assessing Mandate Creep in Ontario Conservation Authorities: An Analysis of Revenue Stream Dynamics, William Gardiner


The Effectiveness of Workforce Diversity Management Program in Municipal Government; A Case Study of the City of Mississauga Program, Calvin James


Bang for Your Buck? Campaign Expenditures, Gender, and Election Outcomes in British Columbia Municipalities, Julie Matthews


An Explanation of the Decade-Long Delay in the Rollout of a Green Bin Program in London Ontario, Analyzed Through the Lens of the Multiple Streams Framework, Alana Pasternak


The Impact of Local Policies on The Integration of Racialized Immigrants into Smaller to Mid-Sized Canadian Municipalities, Olivia Sekyere


Municipal Election Systems In Canada: A Systematic Review of Ward and At-large Systems for Municipalities Considering a Change in Election System, Owen Stichhaller


Enhancing Municipal Asset Management: Identifying Technical and Social Barriers to Advanced Data Integration in London, Ontario Using Socio-technical Theory, Gary Stronghill


Means Testing and Access To Rent-Geared-To-Income Housing in Hamilton, Ontario, Matt Thompson


Understanding the Nursing Shortage in Ontario's Long Term Care Homes, Wasse Wahidi

Major Research Papers from 2023


Seats for Sale in Southwestern Ontario: Testing Trustee Candidate Campaign Spending and English Public School Board Election Results, Erin Aldridge


Harmonizing Agricultural Growth and Nighttime Sky: Municipal Strategies for Mitigating Commercial Greenhouse-Related Light Pollution in Ontario, Canada, Adam Betteridge


Strategies For Developing Affordable Housing: An Analysis of Service Managers’ Housing and Homelessness Plans in Ontario, Daniel Cardoso


What is the role of Public Participation in Planning Development Applications for Infill and Intensification: Evidence from Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario, Deanne Friess


Municipal Pathways towards Digital Government: Ontario’s Municipal Modernization Program and the Determinants of Technology Adoption, Owen Jaggard


Quality Strategic Planning – Are we there? A comparative evaluation of the current state of strategic planning with Ontario’s smaller municipalities, Mike Macauley


Affordable Housing and Settlement Support for Refugees in London Ontario: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Newcomer Integration Programs and Housing Initiatives, Raysso Omar


The Impacts of Income Tax and Government Benefit Policy Changes on the “Welfare Wall” for Households in Receipt of Ontario Works (OW) Social Assistance in the City of Toronto, Paolo Staffieri


Exploring Factors Perpetuating the Underrepresentation of Women CAOs in Local Government, Kelly Sutton

Major Research Papers from 2022


Recruiting for the CAO Role: An Evaluation of the Existing Recruitment Processes in Low and Single Tier Municipalities in Ontario, Ashley Bilodeau


Measuring Public Value Through Local E-Government, Kevin De Leebeeck


The Evolution of Municipal Asset Management Maturity in Canada: Surveying Mid-Sized Cities and Evaluating Federal and Provincial Policies to Spur Municipal Asset Management Practice, Dan Ditaranto


Development Charges: The Price is Right? An Evaluation of the Patterns, Processes and Outcomes of Development Charge By-laws in Ontario Regional Municipalities, David Gundrum