This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Kinesiology, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The “Other” athletes: Representations of disability in Canadian print media during the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Melinda A. Maika
Torque Production of the Dorsiflexors During Lengthening Contractions at Different Velocities in Young and Old, Demetri Makrakos
Decreased Peak Muscle Power is Associated with Motor Unit Loss in the Lower Limb of Older Adults, Neal B. McKinnon
Beyond the Sports Page: Baseball, The Cuban Revolution, and Rochester, New York Newspapers, 1954-1960, Evan K. Nagel
Nerve Blood Flow Control in Health & Disease:The Effects of Type 1 Diabetes and Exercise Training, Terry D. Olver
The Nature of Conflict in Sport: Development and Validation of the Group Conflict Questionnaire, Kyle F. Paradis
Quantifying the effect of age and contraction mode on the force-velocity-power relationship in the knee extensors, Justin R. Paturel
Black, White, and Red All Over: A Thematic Analysis of Selected Canadian and American Newspapers Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre, John A.M. Petrella
Development of the Coach Identity Prominence Scale: A role identity model perspective, J. Paige Pope
Boxing in the Union Blue: A Social History of American Boxing in the Union States During the Late Antebellum and Civil War Years, Greggory M. Ross
American Ginseng Supplementation Does Not Attenuate Indices of Exercise Induced Muscle Damage, Brent Smith
Neuromuscular adaptations to voluntary contraction following postactivation potentiation, Cameron B. Smith
Comprehensive Analysis of Abdominal Tendon Length:Muscle Length Ratios in Human and Rat Specimens, Alexander J. Stephen
Functional Anatomy of the Anconeus: Muscle Architecture and Motor Unit Number Estimation, Daniel E. Stevens
The Effect of Exercise on Cigarette Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms While Using a Nicotine Lozenge, Amelia Tritter
Mental Toughness Training Intervention for Collegiate Track and Field Athletes, Amanda A. Truelove
Post Exercise Ingestion of Plant vs Animal Protein Enhances Exercise Performance Outcomes Similarly, Adam N. Upshaw
Sex Hormones and Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Charlotte W. Usselman
Validation of the multi-segment foot model with bi-planar fluoroscopy, Aïda Valevicius
Development and Assessment of a Virtual Reality Forklift Simulator as a Research Tool to Study Whole-Body Vibration, Peter Wegscheider
Task-switching in oculomotor control: Systematic investigations of the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost, Jeffrey Weiler
A Philosophical Analysis of Ethics Education in the Canadian National Coaching Certification Program for Rowing, Mark M. Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
What Canada Read/Red: A Content Media Analysis of the Montreal Olympic Games and the Soviet Union as Reported in the Montreal Gazette and The Globe and Mail, Joshua F. Archer
Somatosensory stimulation modulates heart rate variability changes induced by isometric handgrip exercise, Jacquie Baker
Energy Intake Over Two Days is Unaffected by Acute Spring Interval Exercise Despite Increased Appetite and Energy Expenditure, Kristine Beaulieu
Assessing Multi-Unit Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity Across Groups: A Multivariate Approach to a Multivariate Concept, Danielle N. Brewer
Electromechanical Delay of the Dorsiflexors in Young and Old Women, In H. Choi
Understanding urban development through an event portfolio: A case study of London, Ontario, Richelle Clark
Role of adenylyl cyclase S674 in central and forearm vasomotor control, James Corkal
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Cerebrovascular HSP70, HSP90, INOS and ENOS Expression in Type 1 Diabetes, Adwitia Dey
Understanding what would make children want to attend a bicycle safety training program, Cassandra L. Ellis
The Effect of Exercise on Cravings and Ad libitum Smoking Following Concurrent Stressors, Angela J. Fong
Awareness of Physical Activity Levels and Sedentary Behaviour: An Assessment of Awareness of Physical Activity Levels and Sedentary Behaviour Among Parents and Children, Tripat Simran Kaur Grewal
Understanding the Volunteer Youth Coaching Environment: A Psychological Contract Perspective, Alanna Harman
The Role of Probe-Trial Distractors in the Production/Removal of the Spatial Negative Priming Effect, Peter D. Haworth
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Arthroscopic Surgery to Conservative Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement, Heather C. Klaus
The effects of acute high- and low-intensity exercise on Hsp70 and Hsp90 accumulation in rat skeletal myofibres and vasculature, Hana Kowalchuk
Professional Athlete Self-Presentation on Twitter, Katie Lebel
Moderate intensity cycling following eccentric contractions does not attenuate indirect markers of muscle damage., Brendan P. Major
Describing the Falls Prevention Program at an Acute Care Hospital in Ontario Using Leveson’s Systems Model, Mahboubeh Mehrjoo
The effect of pacing strategies on oxygen kinetics and muscle hemoglobin status and energy system contribution in a 6 min exercise performance, John D. Murray
Adjustment of pulmonary O2 uptake, muscle deoxygenation and metabolism during moderate-intensity exercise transitions initiated from low and elevated baseline metabolic rates, Joshua P. Nederveen
'Massa Day Done:' Cricket as a Catalyst for West Indian Independence: 1950-1962, Jonathan A. Newman
An Autoethnographical Tapestry of Feminist Reflection on My Journey of a Fitness Model Physique, Stephanie A. Paplinskie
The Vancouver Asahi Baseball Team and Cultural Acceptance 1920-1941, Christopher M. Pellerin
The Philosophy of ‘Playing’ Games: A Lusory Introspection of the Sincere Player and the Meaning of Play Amidst the Moral Morass of Contemporary Sport, Justin M. Rhoden
Sport Event Volunteer Role Perceptions at the 2012 Ontario Summer Games, Kristen A. Rogalsky
A Quantitative EMG Assessment of Motor Unit Recruitment in Patients with Ulnar Neuropathy, Kayla N. Ryan
The Smart technology to Manage type 2 diabetes and Achieve health goals through Record keeping and Tailored feedback (SMART) Study, Jody C. Schuurman
A six week modified sprint interval training program incorporating extended exercise bouts does not increase maximal cardiac output, Alan R. Smith
The Error Protection Impact of Inhibitory After-effects in Location-based Tasks and Their Preservation with Practice, Alexandra Lynn Stoddart
Associations Between Heart Rate Variability and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors, Melanie I. Stuckey
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Reductions in Muscle Quantity and Quality in Old and Very Old Men: New Insights into the Progression of Sarcopenia, William J. Booth
The Measurement of Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy in Adolescents: Prospects, Problems, and Future Directions, Nerissa J. Campbell
Development of an Approach for Assessing the Combined Posture and Vibration Risks for Forklift Driving Tasks, Giselle P. Delgado
Self-Presentation and Social Physique Anxiety in Injury Rehabilitation Settings, Molly Driediger
Exercise and pregnancy: Developing effective intervention strategies and improving psychological well-being, Anca Gaston
The Effects of Exercise Training on Indices of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in STZ-Induced Type 1 Diabetic Rats Treated with Insulin, Kenneth N. Grise
Task-Dependent Properties of the Human Anconeus Muscle, Brad Harwood
Distinct visual coding strategies mediate grasping and pantomime-grasping of 2D and 3D objects., Scott A. Holmes
Gait Variability Is an Independent Marker of Frailty, Anam Islam
Recently Retired Varsity Female Athletes’ Intention to Coach: An Exploration of Continuity Theory and a Transition-Extension Hypothesis, Erin M. Kodama
Neuroprotective Effects of Long-term Endurance Training on the Cortical Autonomic Network in the Aging Brain, Torri A. Luchyshyn
Early child care and adiposity at kindergarten entry, Jessica D. Mackle
Making Headlines: The Politics of Sex Trafficking and Sex Work During the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, Renee Mahoney
Exploration of Three-dimensional Morphometrics of the Hip Joint and Reconstructive Technologies, Charys M. Martin
Reliability of flow-mediated dilation measures in the popliteal artery and implications for use in clinical and research practices, Kaitlin M. McLay
Gait Initiation in Parkinson's Disease: The Manipulation of Cue Expectancy in a Dual Task Paradigm, Derrick Nield
Overweight in infants increases the chance of having a gross motor developmental delay at six months, Meredith Parkovnick
School-based physical activity in children: An evaluation of the Daily Physical Activity program in Ontario elementary schools., Ian T. Patton
Olympism, Ethics and The Rio 2016 Olympic Games Preparations: An Ethical Analysis, Dana Poeta
Neuromuscular Function Following Lengthening Contractions, Geoffrey A. Power
The effects of sprint interval training on endothelial function in young men and women, Stephanie M. Reid
Reliability and validity of knee moments: 3D gait analysis in subjects with and without knee osteoarthritis, Sara E. Richardson
Identifying Gait Abnormalities in Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome, Brook A. Russell
The effect of an acute bout of exercise on smoking topography, Terri L. Schneider
Non-Invasive Examination of the Role of Local Muscle O2 Delivery in Determining VO2 Kinetics During Moderate-Intensity ‘Step’ and Ramp Incremental Exercise, Matthew D. Spencer
Social Marketing and Falls Prevention: Market Segmentation and Product Positioning, Eric C. Stemmler
MMAsculinities: Spectacular Narratives of Masculinity in Mixed Martial Arts, Stephen L. Swain
Frequency-Dependent Conduction Block In Demyelinating Focal Neuropathies, Brad V. Watson
Examining the Relationships between Imagery, Sport Motivation, and Athletic Identity in Curling, Nicole Westlund
Effect of sledge hockey configuration on sledge hockey performance, Cliff Worden-Rogers
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Characterization of Quadriceps Neuromuscular Function in Knee Osteoarthritis, Michael James Berger
"Ça devient une question d’être maîtres chez nous”: The Canadiens, Nordiques, and the Politics of Québécois Nationalism, 1979-1984, Terry Gitersos
Representation of Somatosensory Afferents in the Cortical Autonomic Network, Ruma Goswami
The importance of self-efficacy and basic psychological needs in children’s physical activity: Measurement, prediction and intervention, Casey E. Gray
Mechanisms behind the success of exercise as an adjunct quit smoking aid, Therese M. Harper
Development of a Cohesion Inventory for Children's Sport Teams, Luc J. Martin
On the early onset of vascular stiffening and sexual dimorphism of sympathetic control in the spontaneously hypertensive rat, Louis Mattar
Prehabilitation for total knee arthroplasty: A patient-centred approach to maximizing surgical outcomes, Carly D. McKay
The Olympic Games and the Secret Cold War: The U.S. Government and the Propaganda Campaign Against Communist Sport, 1950-1960, Toby C. Rider
Experiences of Embodiment: Analysis of Muslim Women's Participation in Physical Activity, Natalie V.K Szudy
Continued Sport Participation and the Negotiation of Constraints, Laura Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Effects of acute synchronous whole-body vibration exercise, Tom J. Hazell
The Development and Validation of an Expertise Development Model for Sport Coaches, Melissa L. Wiman