Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Health and Rehabilitation Sciences


Dr. Dorothy Forbes

Second Advisor

Dr. Marissa Mendelsohn

Third Advisor

Dr. Tom Overend


Early detection of dementia is essential to guide front-line health care practitioners to further clinical evaluations. There is a paucity of literature that assesses the effectiveness of screening tools in predicting the development of dementia. For this reason, a systematic review was conducted to assess screening tools used to detect early dementia. The purpose was to make recommendations to health care practitioners on which screening tool(s) best predicts the development of dementia and is most feasible in the primary care setting. Ten databases were searched for relevant articles yielding 751 papers. Of these, 12 met the relevance criteria to be included in the review. Screening tools were assessed for test accuracy, cognitive domain coverage, predictive ability and feasibility. A total of four screening tools (the memory section of the CAMCOG, CCSE, CAMCI and the ACE) were recommended with the ACE considered to be the ideal tool.



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